"Hey, B-girl. We're in the bioship. Gonna go track Morrow. Wanna come?" I heard Miss M in my head and I smiled.

"I'll just go get something to eat, dad." I said and he chuckled.

"We're in the kitchen, Batgirl." He said and I smiled sheepishly.

"The team and I are going to the pizza place at Happy Harbour." I said and nodded. I ran to the hangar and saw the bioship's hatch is opened. I walked inside and saw Goddess sweet talking with Rob. She's sitting on my spot! Beside him.

"Hey, B-girl. Come here." Artemis said and I sat in front of her and behind Zatanna.

"Miss M." I said and she nodded as she linked all of us girls except for Goddess.

"I don't trust her." I said as we flew off.

"Me, too." Zatanna and Artemis said.

"Me three. I can tell she uses charmspeak." Miss M said and I smirked.

"Got that right, Miss M. And I can tell she has bad intentions." I said and they nodded.


We're here at Belle Reve talking with Ivo. About where to find RT. They gave us five minutes to talk to this psycho so he better be worth it.

"Spill Ivo, how do we find T.O.Morrow and his reds?" Superboy asked as he popped his knuckles.

"Now why in the world would I know how to find Morrow?" Ivo asked back.

"Because, and here's a really dumb idea. You're Morrow's biggest competitor in this little android game. Who better to keep track in what he's up to, and where." KF said and I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of his dumb idea. Zatanna and I are leaning against a table and I'm eating a bag of chips.

"I see your point, so let me rephrase. Why in the world would I tell you where to find Morrow?" Ivo asked.

"Aww, come on please tell us. You can't deny me." Goddess pleaded using charmspeak and I snorted in disgust.

"No." Ivo said and I cackled quietly. Charmspeak won't work on vicious villains, sweetheart. Not even on Joker. I smirked at Zatanna and we nodded at each other as we walked towards Ivo's side. Zatanna chanted her spell and Ivo spilled the beans.

"Morrow's in a secret undergroumd base beneath Yellowstone National Park 100 meters south of Old Faithful." Morrow said and I fist bumped with Zatanna.

"What just happened?" Ivo asked.

"Oh, nothing. You just answered our question honestly, so yeah. Nothing." I shrugged and the others laughed except for Goddess.


"Ivo was right. Something's down there." Rob said when we reached our destination and he checked his computer. We all ran but was suddenly met with a strong blow of wind. We all saw Red Tornado in one of his well, red tornados and he made more. All of it surrounded us.

"Why Tornado!? Why are you doing this?!" Miss Martian yelled and Tornado kept quiet. I started growing suspicious and looked at the ground. Huh. Aqualad and Superboy charged and Red Tornado acted quick and tried punching Aqualad but his fist met a shield I made instead. Aqualad was blown and I nodded at Zatanna and she chanted a spell that stopped Aqualad from flying and he's back on the ground. Artemis shot her explosive arrows but Tornado sent it back.

"Look out!" Robin yelled and jumped in front of them and stopped the arrows and explosives.

"Oh, Red Tornado. Don't attack us. I'm sure you don't want to hurt a beautiful girl like me." Goddess tried charmspeaking and I scoffed.

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