Chapter 31: Ervin

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"So tell me dude. What's your...problem?" He jabs the air with his controller. I grin. We've played this level almost every day, and every time Todd still loses. Ever other game, well, it's kinda both of us who win. And he's set on beating me on this one level.

I grin. "Well, about—eurg, die!—Brenda...a lot, and...I don't want—dammit Todd!—Anthony hurting her. Ha!" I finally succeed in killing Todd.

"Uh, we've still got the rest of the day, Erv," he grumbles as he restarts the level. I get up and fetch a bottle of water.

The treehouse is practically a house: you've got the TV, a couch, microwave, and a fridge, everything you need for a "Call of Duty" marathon. Trust me. We've done it tons of times in his house and we never used the bathroom. There was no need. And when you had that rare break, "Microwave the pizza rolls, Todd!"

"Is this gonna be one of our marathons?" I ask, sipping from the cold bottle.

"Might as well, which means you won't be needing this—" He grabs my water bottle and knocks my gun out of my hand. I grin and take out the one hidden in my boot.

"Always come prepared."

"Curse you Ervin John Grein."

It has been over seven hours of playing when we are in the middle of a level and Mary comes up.

"Ma, watcha...doin'" Todd asks, jabbing the air with his controller. I'm surprised he doesn't complain of his arms hurting. Obviously Todd really gets into the game.

"Is this one of your marathons?" Out of the corner of my eye, Mary leans to one side, hands on hips, clearly annoyed that her son isn't a famous football player instead.


"What if Ervin doesn't want to play video games? He's our guest, and he should be able to pick whatever he wants to do and you do it with him."

"Ma. He doesn't care, right?"


"See? Now get out."

"Why did Dustin have to wire this treehouse?" Mary mutters. "Why did we even buy this house in the first place?"

Slowly, the treehouse darkens, the glow of the TV the only light. And all night, our eyes grow raw and our energy level drops. But we make it through the night, eating candy and pizza rolls.

Mary comes back in the morning balancing a box of pizza in her hand. "Alright boys. How many pizza rolls did you go through?" We ignore her and keep our eyes glued to the TV just like they have for the last twenty-four hours.

She slams the fridge close, and we have to pull our eyes away from the magnet AKA the TV. "Here's lunch. I'll toss your sleeping bag up, Todd. But I want you for dinner," she grumbles.

I sigh and set the controller down. Todd also sets his down and waits for his mom to throw his sleeping bag up. He catches it, and unrolls it right by the couch, crawling in. I kick up my legs and crash.

Darkness is coming yet again when I hear scuffling. I turn onto my belly and pretend I have a sniper. Just when I pull the trigger, I realize it's Mary.

"No!" I scream, reaching over the armrest to grab her. When she doesn't fall—instead frowns—I remember we're not playing video games anymore.

Todd jumps at my scream, also crouching low and pretending to hold a rifle. "Get down!" he yells. "State your name and position, soldier."

Mary cries out, "Why did your father ever get you that game? Let's go. Dinner's ready." She hauls her son off the couch by the ear. Ouch.

"Oh. Hi Ma."

"Hi Todd. Now let's go." I follow Todd out of the tree.

When we are inside, I say, "Well, it was fun playing video games, Todd. Thanks for having me, but I really should go. My parents would like to have me back, I think." I turn toward the door.

Mary grabs my wrist. "If they're still overworking, you're always welcome here. I'm sure Todd wouldn't mind." He shakes his head.

If they still are, I have two options. I feel Brenda will hate me for leaving like how I did. But if Anthony's gonna propose soon...Brenda's gonna hate me. They need their privacy. Brenda will hate me. I need to go home. Any way, Brenda's still going to hate me.

What is most important?

"Can I call her? And my parents?"

"Great idea. You can step out if you want."

"Will do." I offer one last thanks and start walking down the street.

After a few rings, my dad picks up. "Hey bud. Todd's mom called. How was your video game marathon?" How can he act so cool when I haven't been home for weeks? I'm sure when I get home I'll have a major talking-to.

I go with it. "Good. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting angry. I'll be up there in a little bit."

"Very good. Thanks for calling." I hang up without saying goodbye my anger has kicked in that fast.

I call Brenda after taking a few breaths. I am done with the world. After a few rings, she answers.

"Where are you? When are you coming back?" she asks, worried. "Where'd you go? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I snap. "I went over to Todd's place and we played video games all night. But, um—"

"Listen. I'm sorry about yesterday. You have to trust me. He's a great guy, and...he proposed to me this morning."

"What? I mean, oh my God, good for you! I was just upset at possibly losing a friend." I pause, biting my lip. "'d he do it?"

"Well, I get up a bit earlier than him, and when I sat down to eat breakfast, there it was, asking, 'Will you marry me?' and then he crept out and hugged me."

"You said yes I assume?"

"Of course!"


"Thanks. And, would you like to be the best man? The wedding would be next summer some time."

"I would be honored."

"Oh good. Anthony! He said yes! Thank you so much. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay. Brenda?"


"You know how I was originally gonna live with you? Um, since you guys are gonna get...married—" The word feels so strange. Will I say that word, meaning Mattie and I? I almost shudder at the thought. I'm not ready for a serious relationship— "as I said before, I don't want to interfere...and I really should go back to my parents if you know what I mean."

Instead of the shocked silence I thought Brenda would give me, getting so angry that she would take back her offer of me being the best man, she replies readily, growing more unsure each word.

"Ervin, please forgive me, but, I also wanted to bring that up, and I didn't want to do it unless there was no other option. You know, if you didn't have a home, we would surely take you." She sighs. "It's complicated. Again, so sorry, but I'm kinda glad you want to go home."

I laugh. "Understandable. Is that all?


"Okay. See ya."



"Do you think Mattie will be my maid of honor?"

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