Girls night out

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The morning after nialls apology dinner

Alisannes pov

As my eyes slowly drifted open all the light of the morning pooled into my eyes so I slammed them shut covering my head with the duvet. nialls arms were clenched tightly around my waist. I squirmed to try and break free but it was no use he was not going to let go, his loud snores going straight in my ear when I notice I was not wearing my dress some how I had gotten in to my baggy t- shirt and my panties and he was only wearing his tux trousers. How the hell did that happen I thought memories of last night distant in my mind. Any way it was obvious he was not going to budge and I tried everything shouting in his ear, shoving him away, squirming around but his grip did not loosen

" ok so you want to play that game.... alright then" I murmured getting one arm free from his grip as I remembered something from last night which he hates, I slowly started making figure eights with my index finger on his bear stomach then I started to move exploring all his abbs and his shoulder blades when........he let out a small moan from his parted snoring lips

" stop it it tickles" he said grabbing my hand pressing it firmly against his chest.

" you asked for it you would not budge so what was I supposed to do??"

" oh I don't know wait patiently for me to wake up and enjoy my company" he replied

" you were snoring.. very loudly and I was hungry and you know I don't wait for food when I am hungry" I argued back to him.

" any way I liked what you did there it was actually quite nice I could get used to a wake up call from my darling girl" he said pulling me closer to his chest me now on top of him.

" you boys are so sick minded" I replied

" I know " he breathed flicking me over so now he was on top, I could feel his warm breath on my cheek when he said it "still hungry??" He asked scooping me up in his arms carrying me into the kitchen plonking me down on the counter " pancakes??" He continued I simply nodded my head in agreement .

Later on in the after noon

Izzys pov

" zayn will you do my zip up on my dress?" I asked walking out of the ensure into the bedroom.

" sure where are you going then??" He asked completing the action he had been asked to do me then letting go of my hair. As it fell I could hear him whisper under his breath " I love you "

" hhuumm what did you say darling" I scoffed

" oh nothing it just you look beautiful any way where are you going?" He replied

" ah yes me and the girls are going for a girly night out like you know a fancy dinner down town!"

" very nice" he replied as I walked away he cheekily smacked my arse

" oii " I shouted to him as he let out a cheeky laugh.

" alright then I am going " she said pecking me a kiss on the cheek " are you going to be alright on your own all night" she continued " I have got to meet the girls down stairs now have I got everything , my phone my purse lipstick..... shoes, I haven't got my shoes!!"

" Are you sure your going to be alright " Zayn asked cheekily.

" yes I am fine " I replied walking out the door " bye " I said as the door clicked behind me.

Heavenlis pov

" Where is she we said half five" I said shaking me head

" you know how she is allways late" Jordan stated putting her hand on her wrist signalling to her watch which was very nice.

"I am coming I am coming " a voice came from up the stairs she was carrying her high heels as she was running.

" finally" Eleanor sighed " let's go cafe rouge it is then "

" wooooooo" we all shouted.

In the restaurant

Eleanor's pov

Ding ding I tapped on my glass for attention

" may I say some thing I have an announcement to make......since yesturday me and harry......" I said rummaging in my bag for the tiny black box" are ..... engaged " i continued opening the black box to reveal the ring

" AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" they all screamed at me gaining the attention of the rest of the restaurant.

A/N: so all has been revealed and what happened last night with bail and alisanne

Thank you all for reading my story I hope it is not to boring I like to add twists here and there to keep it interesting but thanks please keep reading

Sophie xx.

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