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Elena sat down on the bed in the NOLA hotel room having drank some blood from the glass Katherine had left her. She concentrated hard to switch her hearing off closing her eyes floating in the abyss of her memories.

Flashing back to the days that brought Elena to the point of making a very difficult decision.

It was two days after they all gathered to deal with Damon's bloody prowl and his blood craving the hybrid blood.
Bonnie's house became the HQ. The witches still worked on finding the center of convergence, which proved to be a difficult task for some reason. The others went about their lives more or less as normal, although nothing was normal. Both Alaric and Damon were now sustained by Elijah's blood, which subsided the mad craving, being very potent. After analyzing Alaric's blood, they found out that he had a wolf gene and now a vampire, he had a similar problem as Damon.

Tracing down Alaric's ancestry, they found out that he great-grandmother was a werewolf.

"Not just any"- Elijah said as he heard the name of  Alaric's grandmother-"Morbach. She was a witch, too."

"This is all so spooky"- Elena then said-"it's like- everything is connected. 

"It is so in the magical world"- Mary said-"everything is with a reason. Nature's strange reason."

"How is this possible?"- Elijah asked Mary and Bonnie, who  found out Damon was in some strange kind of transition having had Klaus' blood before.

"He either leaves or drinks his blood"- Mary said-"or he dies if he stays here.

Elena now said straight out-"we need to get him out of Mystic Falls."

"That will not be easy."- Elijah said-"Klaus is watching our every move and now that Katherine has joined his ranks. They have every vampire compelled to watch the boundry."

"I promised Stefan I would look after him."- Elena now said-"we have to do something."- she looked at Elijah-"send Stefan a message?"

"All right, I will take him out of here."- Elijah said.

"Thank you."- Elena gave Elijah a very appreciative look.

The Original now left a cryptic message to the Salvatore on the Craigslist.

Elena now went with Bonnie to the kitchen.

"How do things change so profoundly within 24 hours?"- Elena's head pulsed with thoughts that wouldn't get out.

There was a knock on the door and Bonnie walked in.

"Hey- how are you doing?"- she asked her friend.

Elena sighed taking another sip of the blood.

"Like I am going to explode. I just stop thinking about it all. The last year. Everything feels like it happened yesterday."

"To you,  in a way- well- yeah."- Bonnie said.

"I keep thinking of Dora and Elijah. Are you sure, the witches will not find the way to the fake world?"- Elena asked.

"You know there is no hundred percent, but- I've done everything possible to make it really hard for them to figure it out."- Bonnie said.

"Ok. Can we talk about the Lupus Dei? And about the witch?"- Elena now asked.

Bonnie nodded. 

Elena took some more blood and listened to her witch friend, but the other part of her mind, restless as it was played back to the time she had to make the harrowing decision.

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