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Bonnie couldn't believe her ears as Elena informed her that the Original was back in Mystic Falls, as everyone else Elena notified asking them to come to her house for the meeting Elijah had requested.

Damon arrived first and cocky as he was, he immediately started with a barrage of questions about Stefan and calling  Elijah out on going back on his word to Elena.

"If I had killed him you would not be standing here right now, would you?"- Elijah spat back at Damon in a very calm manner.

Elena now huffed annoyed and shouted out to both of them to stop just as Caroline swooped through the kitchen backdoor.

"What have I missed?"- the blond shot out looking at Elena.

"Nothing"- Elena said-"we're still waiting for Matt and Bonnie"
She then turned to Damon saying-

"Can you just keep it cool? We have to work together. We want Stefan back, right?! I want to concentrate on that. Stefan obviously trusts Elijah, otherwise he would not undagger him."

"Trust? Yeah, right."- Damon spat-"as soon as you turn your back, they would stab you in the back"

Elijah had to respond to that now looking at Elena-
"I have gone back on my word and for that I am deeply ashamed, but in that very moment as I held his heart in my hands, he had divulged the fact that my other siblings were alive and that he had them hidden. So, I had no choice but to keep him alive."

Elena nodded a little at the Original vampire conveying in her look that she understood his actions.

Damon just puffed away still showing his annoyance openly, but he also knew that Stefan must have had good reason to undagger Elijah and bottom line was he wanted to get Stefan out of Klaus' clutches.

Matt and Bonnie, as well as Tyler, finally arrived and the meeting now commenced.

Elijah started explaining what Stefan relayed to him-

"Klaus has so far unsuccessfully sired numerous hybrids. They died within days, till a witch got involved making some of them survive longer by feeding on Klaus' blood. But they developed a hunger that they could not control and fed on one another. So he had to execute them. The witch is working on - well, she is stalling, pretending to work on solving the issue. She already knows what the ingredient she needs for the transition to be successful."- Elijah looked at Elena, who now said in a very low voice-

"My blood"

"But he doesn't know that Elena lived?"- Bonnie now said.

"There is one thing you forget. We are made of the doppelganger's blood. It is in our veins. When I was trying to locate Elena, the only thing Jonas Martin actually needed was my blood."- Elijah explained."

"Why is the witch -"- Caroline started and then it was clear to her what Stefan had done-"Stefan made a deal with the witch?"

Elijah replied- "I am not sure. But, they work together, as Klaus both has a hold over them."

"That's Stefan. Always the hero."- Damon now said.

Bonnie now looked at Damon throwing eyed darts at him as this remark was so out of place. 

"What? That's my brother. Always resourceful."- Damon now continued- "And so this time you are going to stop your brother? How? You have a potion?"

"A witch."- Elijah said. 

"What do you mean?"- Elena wanted to hear more.

"She is not an ordinary witch. She is a Salem witch."- Elijah said-"together with your friend Bonnie, they could work on how to make Mystic Falls a no go area for werewolves."

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