Give me a reason

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In New Orleans

Mary, the witch Elijah recruited to find a way to put Klaus to sleep, knocked at the back door of a magic shop.

A woman opened it asking who she was looking for, and Mary now showed her the ring on her forefinger. The woman moved aside without hesitation for Mary to walk in.

"What is it that you came all the way down here?"- Janne-Anne, a fellow witch asked.

"The grave of Papa Tunde"- Mary went straight to the point.

"Can't help you"- Jane-Anne answered gulping a little.

But Mary was not letting it go that easily and continued-
"Are you so afraid of-  the dark magic or the ban imposed by a insignificant vampire- which is it?"

Jane-Anne now replied honestly-"Both."

Mary sighed a little, but not in a malicious way. She understood the witch's fear. She, herself had lost many members of family directly or indirectly over the years due to both. And even now she was called upon a favour to work for one, and she could not falter, now she had to do all to return the great favour.

"You just have to indicate the place. The rest- is on me"- Mary said.

"You will not be able to do anything without the Deveraux magic even if I show you where his burial site is"- Jane-Anne said.

"Right"- Mary said and then suggested-"so if I kill the vampire that has all you French Quarter witches hostage- will you do it then?"

Jane-Anne knew that Mary was from an old Salem coven same as theirs, and possessed powers of both dark and white magic. And still Jane-Anne wavered. If things go wrong, Marcel could go on a killing spree and everything could get out of control.

Mary had a lot riding on this and she now told the witch what would happen if they didn't dare do what was in their power, namely to stop the  vampires from dictating their lives.
In Mystic Falls, the Diner

Caroline had her sixth coffee. To a vampire cofeine was not a booster, it actually was a substance that dimmed the blood cravings same as alcohol. She flashed back at the way she came onto Matt after everyone left the Grill and she  opened the bottle of tequila daring Matt not to be always so goody and responsible. Ans stupidly she kissed him and he didn't push her away.

The compelled waitress came up to her and pored her another cup of coffee, and frustrated Caroline now ordered a bunch of pancakes and peanutbutter and jelly sandwitches with cream.

Bonnie finally arrived hearing the order said-
"Was it that bad?"

"No."- Caroline answered and then said-"what took you so long? Ans where is Elena? I am telling you that something very weird is happening. Is there another comet passing over us?!"

"No. We just got drunk. And we are never going to do this kind of a thing again."- Vonnie said and Caroline could see that her friend also did something she normally wouldn't.

"Tell me it's worse than my glitch"- Caroline said.

"According to Damon I witch slapped some vamps at the Roadhouse. He had to get me out of there and I wasn't having it. And they attacked me- and he - well, killed them. Took me to the Boarding house."

"Is that Damon's version?"- Caroline asked.

"Yes, but- he saved me. One of them got to me and started drinking- I remember that. "

"But why did you leave with him, anyway? Weren't you supposed to go home afer Elena left?"- Caroline said-"seriously, where is she? I hope nothing Original happened to her"
Gilbert house, kitchen, rewind a bit

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