I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I let it out. But I realised I didn't have to hold my breath at times like these. He was my brother. He'd never be mean to me and he'd always be there for me.

"So you wanna hang out? I found this cool clearing. I didn't explore it all the way yet. I knew you were coming soon so I was waiting so we could do it together." Dipper's cracking voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"That's why you're my brother! 'Cuz you're awesome. Let's tell the Gruncles first." I answered.

I held out my hand for him to take. He placed his hand in mine and pulled himself up.

After dusting his legs off we headed to where we saw Gruncle Stan sitting on the porch. I became ready to pull out my puppy dog eyes if the need arose. Approaching the deck I saw Stan sit up and give a small smile.

"What's up kiddos?" Gruncle Stan asked.

"We came to ask permission to go into the woods. There is this clearing and we wanted to explore the area. May we Gruncle Stan?" Dipper seemed to be obviously nervous.

Gruncle Stan began to laugh, "Don't you worry kid! You don't have to talk all fancy to me. I'm probably the least most fancy person you'll ever meet! But sure. You guys go have fun. I'll tell Fordster. I think he went inside to use the loo."

I saw Dipper relax then another worried face overtook his at ease one.

"You sure? We could wait for Gruncle Ford to-" Dipper was interrupted by my guardian.

"Of course I'm sure! Just go have fun all right? I want you guys to spend as much time with eachother as you can. Now shoo! Geez! What are you? Gum on my shoes? Go!" Gruncle Stan teased in a playful tone.

"Come on bro! Let's go into the forest! Think we'll find any deer? We saw a couple last time." I led Dipper towards the direction of the woods.

"Actually there should be some beaver squirrels migrating later this summer." Dipper's voice brightened.

Dipper's POV

"Awwwe! They always have the cutest faces. Oh and by the way this year is the begining of my romance phase! Have there been any cute guys move here? And Jack doesn't count. He's mean. But there is this boy-" I finally had an excuse to cut Mabel off.

"And we're here!" I pulled out a small notebook from my vest and uncapped my pen. Ford showed me his notebooks and decided to get me one as well. Mine was different though. It was a very pale baby blue with a majority of it covered by a yellow triangle. I don't really know where he got the idea from, but maybe it had something to do with the Necklace Ford gave me. I wore it all the time. I don't know the reason for that either... It just felt familiar.

I was lost in thought as I looked at some baby blue and lavander flowers. Ford said they had some sort of healing property. But
he wanted me to figure out how they worked myself.

"D-dipper?" Mabel's voice reached through my thought cloud.

"What?" I was still looking at the flowers, trying to draw them.

"Nothing! Just keep up the hard work... Dipper." I froze. That definitely wasn't Mabel's voice.

My head snapped up to where I last saw Mabel frolicking. She was still standing near there but in the middle of the area was a man.

He wasn't just standing there either. He was FLOATING. And staring at me like a creep.

For some reason he was leaning forward on his cane grinning like some sort of mad man. Or maybe I was crazy. But from the look on Mabel's face, she could see him too. I scratched that off my list.

I looked him over. He had a weird tail coat jacket that was buttoned all he way and yellow pants. Extending to both sides of the tail coat was a pale yellow triangle. He had a triangular eyepatch covering his eye. Blond hair covered most of it though.

Wait... yellow triangles? I gulped and a picture of my necklace and journal flashed into my mind. This guy had some connection to me or my life. I was sure of it. And I think Ford knew too.

He was hiding something from me? But Ford never hid anything from me! This... this isn't the time Dipper. My thoughts threaten to spill over from my eyes.

"Wh-who are you? What are you doing here?" I needed to know what Ford was hiding from me.

"No hello, how's it's going, or good afternoon? Yeesh kid! But anyways, the name's Bill! Bill Cipher. And I've come to take you home." Bill extended a hand.

"What do you mean? I am home. I've lived here my entire life."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. You still think your human. Newsflash! Your nothing of the sort! And you don't belong here."

Enjoy it? Tell me what you think! I had a fun time writing this chapter. Can't wait for your guy's comments!

BrothersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя