"Translation, he blames us for Red Fiasco. He doesn't trust us." Robin said as Aqualad approached us.

"It's a big club." KF said as they both walked in and I looked at Kaldur with concern. He just shook his head and walked in. I sighed and just walked in as well.


We reached India by night time and Rob and Artemis jumped out of the bioship with hooks hooked on their belts. All of us landed and Artemis loaded her bow while Rob ran. I walked out of the bioship with the others and went to sit on a tree branch.

"All clear." Rob said.

"Switch to stealth mode and we'll review parameters." Aqualad said as his suit turned black.

"Parameters. We don't need no stinking parameters." KF said as he turned his suit into stealth mode.

"It's recon. We know what to do." Rob said as they both turned around.

"Kid, Robin." Aqualad said

"The four of us started this team because the justice league was keeping secrets from us." Rob said.

"Or did you forget that like you forgot to tell us about the mole." KF said and they both ran out. Well, Rob dragged me, too. I stopped the both of them from walking and made them turn to face me.

"What happened to your respect?" I asked with a stern voice and they both glared at me as I glared back. They quickly softened their look and looked down. That's right. They don't want to get in my bad side now, do they? My look softened as I started talking.

"Aqualad's just doing what he think is bes-" They cut me off.

"So you're on his side now!?" KF yelled

"Maybe you're just as stupid as him!" Rob yelled and I was taken aback. I glared at them and they suddenly realized what they said.

"Wait, B. It's not li-" I cut them off this time.

"Come on. Let's just finish this mission and all of us can go and leave." I spat and they widened their eyes. I spun on my heel and started walking as they both followed me quietly. I stopped walking when I heard vultures. I quickly looked up and saw three vultures flying down towards us.

"Stupid vultures, stupud recon, stupid gorilla, stupid fight." I muttered as we dodged their claws. We started running as Rob threw explosives at the vultures but they kept flying.

"Thought vultures only eat dead meat!" Rob yelled as the vultures kept on chasing us and I threw smoke pellets at the vultures.

"It's obviously Kobra venom!" I yelled the obvious as I threw sleeping pellets but it didn't work.

"Split up!" I yelled and all of us ran in different directions. A vulture chased me and I ducked when I saw a tree branch. I would really laugh about this right now but someone and I mean two someones pissed me off. I suddenly noticed an inhibitor collar similar to Belle Reve's on the vulture's neck. I grabbed a batarang and threw it to the collar as it broke. I grabbed it away from it and sparks came out of the collar. The vulture stopped attacking me and flew away. I saw Robin and Kid walk towards me and I turned around and sat on a log.

"Link established." I heard Miss Martian said via telepathy.

"Should you really still be giving us orders? And should you really be following them?" Artemis said.

"Listen. Please." Aqualad pleaded.

"Oh Good. Aqualad's voice in my head. I so missed that." Kid said sarcastically and I scoffed.

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