"Athy, I'm pretty sure you got the wrong card." He said and I pointed to the name. Stating my name correctly.

"This is unfair. Your lowest grade is Math and it's our favorite." He said and I stood up as I snatched the card from him and walked towards the teacher.

"Why is my grade like this?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know. Not my problem." She said.

"You made me do so many projects and homeworks all due the next day. You only gave them to me and no one else. This isn't fair." I said.

"You failed to attend a competition last week. They lowered your grade." She explained.

"I'm not even required to go to that competition! And that competition is a spelling bee. English subject only. How in Olympus did my other subjects get involved?" I spat and she paled.

"I don't know. Ask the principal." She said and I scoffed.

"I'm calling my father to talk to you. All of my teachers." I said and she smirked.

"And who is your father? I'm pretty sure I can take him." She challenged and if I'm not so furious, I'd laugh so much that it would put Joker to shame.

"Bruce Wayne." I answered non-chantingly and she paled.

"I'm not a liar here, miss. And my father knows it when someone lies so you better tell the truth about this problem. My general average last quarter is 98. 13, it would be so obvious that you're so desperate to drag me down if my grades go low that fast just because of a missed competition that I was never required to go to. And might I add those extra projects and homeworks." I said and walked back to my seat. My eyes looking like daggers and even D got scared.

"Favoritism." I muttered and D patted my back.

"Don't worry. Your dad will take care of it. You made so many projects and your scores on the exams are perfect, how will you get such low grades?" He explained.

"Simple. Teachers who are so desperate to drag their students down." I said sharply and he sighed.

"Come on, I'll buy you ice cream later." He said but it didn't cool me down. I'm literally fuming.

"New video game?" He asked again and I kept on glaring at the teacher.

"Stupid grades, stupid projects, stupid homeworks, stupid teachers." I muttered.


Rob and I went to the old out of order telephone booth in an alleyway.

"Artemis! How random that you're here in Gotham city." Robin said as he came out of the shadows and saw Artemis in front of the booth.

"Oh! Robin!" Artemis exclaimed and I decided to walk towards them as well.
I decided to play with Artemis.

"Ain't you supposed to be at Star city with uncle Arrow?" I asked with a smirk as I walked towards them.

"Oh yeah, uhmm.......I went to my cousin's speeling bee competition! Yeah!" She lied and I cackled.

"C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?" Robin asked with a smirk.

"N-O." Artemis answered with irritation and I smirked.

"D-R-A-G." Rob spelled again.

"We all know the two of you can spell so can we go now?" I asked and they nodded.

"Well, ladies first." I said.

"You're a girl as well." Artemis said.

"Yep. I'm a GIRL not a LADY." I said and she groaned.

Batman's daughter {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now