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canola added papa h! to the chat!

canola: Hey Uncle Jerry!

papa h!: How you doing, Mila?

canola: Great, and you?

papa h!: Good, thanks for asking. I know you didn't just text me for no reason, so what's going on?

canola: What if I wanted to text you, just because?

papa h!: No you wouldn't

canola: Alright alright.

canola: I was wondering, if I could ask your daughter out on a date on Christmas? I already cleared it with my parents and I'm ready to book my flight, I just wanted your approval first.

papa h!: I was waiting for you to ask me when you could ask her out!

canola: Wait seriously?!

papa h!: I may be old, but I'm not stupid. I see the way you look at her. It's the same way I look at her mother.

canola: Aw!

papa h!: Anyway, yes you may. I'll tell Pat and Brandon, it'll be a surprise

canola: Thanks Uncle Jerry!

papa h!: It's now father-in-law to you.

canola: Right, thanks father-in-law!

papa h!: See you in two weeks!

canola: See you!

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