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I really hate when this happens to my stories. This chapter wasn't published when it was supposed to be.

(Andy's POV)

Why does she have to be so strange, so bipolar, so... confusing? I thought to myself as I paced back and forth under the light post.

I was in the tiny smoking area that was behind the hotel. I flicked the ash off the end of my cigarette and brought it to my mouth again, taking yet another long drag. I blew out the unhealthy smoke and closed my eyes, leaning against the brick wall. I was so lost as to why she did that in the room. I could see it in her eyes that it hurt her to not touch me, but I thought that she could keep her self control. I was breaking down her walls, and she didn't know what to do.

I finished my third cigarette and stomped it out in the cement. I walked back into the hotel lobby and to the elevator. I was about to hit the floor button, when I saw Juliet walking towards me. I held the doors open and she smiled as she entered the elevator.

"You suck at romance," She said. "I'm here to help you."

"How?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes and hit the button that made the elevator stop. She turned me to face her and shook her head.

"First of all, help Allie with Mortica. She's your kid too. Second of all, treat her like a human, not like she's fragile. Third of all, take her out sometime, or call room service and have them make you a nice meal." She said. "Oh, and dance with her sometime. The hotel is having a ball thing tomorrow night, it's like a costume party, ask Allie to be your date."

I nodded and she let the elevator move once again. I thanked her for the demanding advice and walked to my room. I swiped the key and opened the door to find Allie sitting criss-cross on the king sized bed. She had her notebook out and was holding a pen.  

"What're you writing?" I asked.

"A song." She said as she scribbled words onto the lined paper.

"Sing it?" I asked as I sat in front of her, criss-cross.

"This is not the way into my heart, into my head.

Into my brain, into none of the above.

This is just my way of unleashing the feelings deep inside of me. This spark of black that I seem to love.

We can get a little crazy just for fun.

Don't even try to hold it back, just let go.

Tie me up and take me over. Till you're done, till I'm done.

You've got me fiending, and I'm ready to blow.

Push up to my body, sink your teeth into my flesh.

Get undressed. Taste the flesh.

Bite into me harder, sink your teeth into my flesh.

Pass the test. Taste the flesh.

Hold me up against the wall.

Give it till I beg, give me some more.

Make me bleed I like it rough. Like it rough.

Push up to my body, sink your teeth into my flesh.

Hold my hands above my head, and push my face into the bed.

'Cause I'm a screamer baby, make me a mute.

New Beginnings (Sequel To Love And Music)Where stories live. Discover now