Live, Breathe... Sing

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I drank my forth cup of coffee. I had been up all night, trying to get my mind off Andy. It didn't work. To say that I was fed up was an understatement. I was really pissed. I wanted to strangle him the moment he walked through the hotel doors. I also wanted to fuck him senseless, but that wasn't the point. The point was, that I had feelings for him, and I didn't like it, not one bit.

"Hey!" I heard CC yell as we got the keys to the rooms. "Mind if I trade rooms with you? I wanted to room with Ashley."

"Whatever." I sighed as I took his room key and handed him mine.

I honestly didn't care what room I got, they were all sweets. Just as long as I didn't have to room with Andy. But, me and my luck, I reached the floor that my room was on, pushed Morticia all the way to the gold-painted door, and swiped the card, only to find out, that I was in for one hell of a weekend.


"You traded me rooms, to get me with, Andy?" I asked CC as he let me into his and Ashley's room.

"No... well, sort of." He smiled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Christian Coma Mora! I'm gonna kick your ass!" I scolded pointing a finger.

"Sorry, I just like seeing you happy." He said.

"Do I look like I'm right happy now?" I pointed to myself.

"No, but you will be thanking me later." He smiled.

"Like in a million years." I rolled my eyes. I went back to my room, after scolding Jinxx for letting CC do that to me. I swiped the room key and opened the door, to hear Andy on the phone. I stayed in the hall with the door slightly cracked open and listened to the conversation.

"She doesn't like me, Jules." He said. "I know but-- okay, I'll try to make her fall in love with me again, with my swift ways." it sounded like he was mocking Juliet.

I rolled my eyes. Even Juliet, who knew that I still cared, was trying to help Andy get back with me. I was so annoyed with everything that was going on. On top of all this, my phone began ringing. I acted like I just came in, and grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"City Morg, you stab it, we slab it." I answered.

"Yeah, is this Allie Green?" A woman's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yes, and who might you be?" I asked.

"I'm Crystal Knights, from the Jenkins Animal Shelter, of Kentucky. You recently put your name into a drawing to get a free puppy. I understand that you will be here within two days, we'll be waiting." She hung up.

I furrowed my eyebrows and tossed my phone onto the bed. As I looked around the room, thinking of when I called to register for a puppy, I noticed something. This was the same hotel that we were at when Andy and I made up. I smiled at the hole in the wall that Andy made from pinning me against the wall after the second day there. They hadn't had the time to fix it.

"Who was that?" Andy asked as he stood a few feet behind me.

"I won a dog." I smiled as I turned towards him. "I need to pick it up when we stop in Kentucky."

"Cool." Andy smiled. "I'm more of a cat person myself..."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the play pen where Mortica was sound asleep. I picked up my bag and headed towards the bathroom.

"Take care of Morti if she starts crying." I turned towards Andy.

He nodded as he flopped onto the bed. I was about to laugh at his child-like behavior, but quickly stopped myself and shut the bathroom door. I set my bag on the counter and started the shower. I got undressed while waiting for the water to warm up. Once it did, I hopped into the shower and let the water dance on my skin. The hot water cleared my thoughts as I opened a bottle of shampoo. It smelled like mints, the way Andy's breath smelled.

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