Chapter 6a

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UPDATE: I made a mistake so I changed it, I realised whilst writing up the next part. Woohoo atleast I'm writing!

I am very much alive @bookstalker56 :-)) <--- {my double chin}  Happy holidays everyone, though mine are ending...

Like every other day, here in Pennsylvania, I did my routine check on the Royal Court. Except, this time, something extraordinary happened: the most alluring scent of Moroi blood drifted through the air. I wasn't familiar with a scent like that, but it smelled as if every desirable drop of blood had it's flavour and sweetness intensified to a million.
Out of curiosity (and boredom), I decided to stay longer than intended. Honestly? I couldn't leave without knowing where that delicious smell was coming from, but I knew it was within the Courts.
I took shelter behind a cluster of trees, ignoring the Strigoi I had sent as spies here, my dark clothing and hair blended in with the night. My unnaturally pale complexion didn't match the darkness, and I imagined I looked like a ghost to any other person. It brought me back to the haunting experience with the spirits Rose summoned at the river Ob. I shuddered. Hopefully our next encounter won't include any spectres
I watched as two guardians posted on each side of the huge gate and only exit of the Courts, creaked open the iron doors. A black SUV emerged from the safety of those wards, and I studied it, as it drove out and followed the road. With startling realisation the scent that caused me to stay was coming from that car; it grew fainter the further it travelled. What baffled me even more, was what I saw through the windows of the vehicle.
Could it be? It was barely a glance, maybe even less, but it was enough for me to recognise the couple. Lissa and Christian. Just a glance of the couple brought a dark and brilliant idea to mind. One that might just work. This was my chance. I gestured for the Strigoi to follow, before taking off in a sprint. Once again, I savoured the breeze that played with my hair as I ran to catch up, every nerve on fire. The light thudding of footsteps of a few dozen Strigoi behind me followed, it was barely audible to most. In my presence, they tensed, I had noted. Fear and the strength of my power had molded them into the perfect soldiers.
The SUV moved at a reasonably slow pace, they were in no rush. Bits and pieces of their conversations in the car eventually started to make sense, I listened intently. They planned to go to a restaurant I recognised was maybe ten minutes away. I was so close now. Judging from the size of the car and voices I recognised, there were about eight in there, four Moroi and their guardians.
We're more than capable of handling them. Increasing our pace, we arrived at the parking lot before them, which was almost bare. It was relatively small, thick trees and lush grass encircled the grounds. Street lamps illuminated the dark, and I instantly smashed the bulbs. They couldn't see us yet, that would take the element of surprise away. If they saw us whilst in the car, they easily could just drive away. We needed them out of the car. Dashing towards the darkest corner of the parking lot, we waited.
We watched the vehicle drive in and park. They hadn't parked near the main entrance, thankfully. That would bring unwanted attention to them and us when we fight. But they didn't park in the back either. We observed them, as they exited the car, and I secretly hoped Rose was amongst them, even when I couldn't sense her sweet scent.
"Kill everyone. Except that Moroi couple," I ordered, pointing at them, in a low tone. "The younger ones furthest away." I wasn't going to elaborate on that, my instructions were clear enough. If they knew who the couple were, they'd kill them and I'd lose something very important to my plans. I focused back onto the scene. The guardians immediately took notice of the street lamps I had broken, as expected. Guardians were trained to notice even the smallest details. They reached to retrieve their stake, the silver flashed in the moonlight.
In that second, we were there, surrounding the group. Throats were ripped, warm blood splattered the scene, bodies were tossed and torn , as we narrowed down their group. They had tried to take down mine. Some, not many, were staked but clearly we were winning. They were skilled, I could give them that, but they were outnumbered. The guardians left alive pushed them out of harm, and formed a protective ring around the couple. Which lasted.
About ten seconds. The Strigoi backed off as I emerged to the front. Christian was facing me with widened eyes in total shock, as I glared back. It reminded me of how Rose had been when we first met in Novosibirsk. Lissa's back faced me, and she turned around. Only to mirror his reaction with a fear filled stare, I rested a hand on her shoulder.
A blinding burst of light from behind her illuminated the bloodied scene. The heat was intense too, and I sensed the astonishment of the Strigoi at the use of his elemental magic. He had produced a burning ball of fire, which I suspected he'd try to threaten us with. Of course, I knew what I was doing. My hand slid up to her neck, with a small smile.
"Put it out" I said. "Put it out or she dies"
"Don't listen to him" She gasped. "He's going to kill us anyway." The flames faltered before diminishing completely, he cared for her, he wouldn't dare risk her life.
"Actually," I said, quite pleasantly. "I'd rather you two stay alive. At least for a little while longer." They frowned, shocked and confused I couldn't help the amusement that filled my words. I won. She'll be coming for them, and when she does . . . I'll kill her and---
Christian asked what both of them must have wondered. "Why?"
"Because I need you to be bait for Rose."

Short part, I know. The next one should make up for that...

P.S. Moroi blood from a Spirit user should be more desirable to a Strigoi, right?


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