Chapter 5b

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I recommend you go back to the last, last part (chapter 5a) and read the last paragraph. Or this next bit might not make sense.

The question is, well what is she planning? I tensed at the thought. Surely, whatever she’s planning has nothing to do with me? Memories of our last encounter flooded through my mind, and I swear I almost burst out laughing. The thought was ridiculous, Rose doesn't have the courage to kill me, that was all. She hesitated like she had before, what made this time different? Obviously, this can be used to my advantage. Yet I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I overestimated her skill. She wasn’t to do it.
She had a chance, and I hate myself for giving it to her. Though the fact remains, I gave her a chance. And she couldn’t do it, something was holding her back. Whatever it is, I appreciated it. Again, the odds were slowly moving in my favour. 
I spent my few hours of boredom exploring these caves, but there really wasn’t much to discover. Everything looked the same, twisted paths of earth together like a maze. Like the maze back at home, only underground. When the sun finally sunk, I left to do the routine I’ve mainly followed at night; hunting, anything to satisfy my boredom, anything 5o make me feel powerful again. Whilst waiting for Rose to finally let me end this . . .
And what better way to end things would there be, than to do it where it all started?
If Rose truly feared for her life, and the princess’s, she’d go back. Back to the Royal Court.


As expected, I found myself watching from afar, the heavily-guarded Courts. She was doing everything I predicted so far, I knew her too well. I just wasn’t sure on when to strike. That was probably the hardest part of all this. Picking the wrong time would mean our deaths, of course, so I can’t mess that up. Having so much power is so stressful, but it’s worth every second when I’m reminded of its perks. On the plus side, I am familiar with the Court’s defence methods which will help. That will be the last resort, taking down the Court. It has to be done one day, or well I do plan on eliminating the Royal bloodline. If Rose doesn’t step out of those wards, we’ll strike, and I’ll make sure she does. I just don’t know how yet.
Human spies, all dotted around at different distances, watched whilst I couldn’t, swapping shifts. They looked like any other pedestrian, and I made sure they looked casual. They could hardly raise any suspicion, whether it’s from a Moroi, dhampir or human. Every day---night---I’d pass by. I’d check if Rose was still there (her scent is the only thing I really could concentrate on), and she usually would.
Not that I expected otherwise. As each day passed, I was getting more and more confused and agitated. Was there any way I could get her to step out those damned wards? The situation grew worse, and I was starting to doubt whether my power would be enough to do something Strigoi have always desired: claiming that title of being invincible by destroying the Royals.
To think I had only been awakened for a few months! And I was planning to do something Strigoi centuries older than me were incapable of. Rushing into things probably isn’t the best thing to do right now, Rose was making me impatient. Was there really any point going after her? If I were to leave and ignore her for the rest of her life, she wouldn’t come for me again. She wouldn’t dare to risk anyone she loves against me again. Maybe she’d forget, and I could live my immortal life without her getting in the way, in peace . . .
Maybe she wouldn’t forget. And I certainly wouldn’t. I won't feel comfortable knowing she’s still out there, even if I was at the opposite side of the world. To actually start living, it’s something I must do. Sure it will take time, but it’s not like my time would ever be limited. I have all the time in the world.
But that wasn’t the case with Rose. I have too much to return to, and with Alex in charge of my estate in Novosibirsk, I need to get back as soon as possible. The longer I take, the more successful she’ll be in stealing my power and life. She was strong, and capable of taking me down.
I glanced at the Courts at a safe distance, almost lost at the thought of all those Moroi . . . All that sweet blood I’ll shed from these ignorant royals. Especially to Vasilissa and her Moroi friend Christian. She’ll watch as I do this in front of her, and the moment when she realises she made the wrong choice, I’d finally end this.
They were one of her weaknesses after all . . .

I think my writing has gone worse, what do you think? Sorry it was short, it had to be done.

Writing this strangely reminded me of Death Note (anime), if you’ve watched it. They have the same concept of power blinding and corrupting them, and arrogance. If you haven’t, you should. It’s worth every second.


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