Chapter 5a

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“Then . . . Kill yourself,” It didn’t take long for the human to succumb to the compulsion. I handed her a handgun I spotted near a dead security guard. “After deleting the last twenty-four hours of footage.”
She nodded in response, and turned to her computer to do just that. My gaze flickered to the masses of blood that painted the walls, dead bodies were everywhere. I stepped over them, as I made my way out of the room. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to attack in daylight after all, I thought. I had the element of surprise on my side, but I couldn’t finish what I started. At night, at least there wouldn’t be a way for her to retreat when we fight. There’d be no sun to keep me away, and she’d have no choice but to die fighting. I was almost certain she’d lose, and from the way she fought today . . . She’d probably hesitate.
As I pushed past through crowds of people, I noticed the bodies hadn’t been discovered yet. Good. I had time to get out before more guards show up. I neared towards a familiar door, it was the one that led to the tunnels. Just as I grasped the door handle, a scream rang in the air, followed by the sound of a gunshot. I thoughtlessly smiled, before turning the doorknob and entering the tunnels.
As expected the Strigoi were all here, with the most bored expressions in history. “Where’s everyone else?” Boris, who was familiar with Sonya Karp, asked the obvious question. In that moment, all of them stopped and stared for an answer. Instead of telling them the truth, I did something even better.
“They were killed by unpromised ones.” I stated, without emotion. “Seventeen, no. Maybe even sixteen year olds overpowered a group of Strigoi. Of us. These children managed to kill four of us, all because they weren’t strong enough. I’d hate to imagine what would happen to you if these kids manage to find you.” I yelled, to show how “angry” I was, making it that much more convincing.
“By the time I got to them, it was too late.” I explained. “They were already dead, and I killed every dhampir. They were weak, and that’s what got them killed.” They exchanged uneasy glances towards each other, surprised and fearful. I’ve wanted an army of Strigoi, but what was the use if they can’t handle guardians? This was the only way to help toughen them up.
Out of curiosity, I decided to explore these tunnels. Who knows, maybe I’ll use them for the last and final time I get to Rose? But first, my throat itched for the rush of sweet blood. “We should feed.” I said. “Now we can in the day.” I split them into smaller groups, making it clear that we were to hunt in groups. I didn’t want to lose any more of them, I’ve already lost four, which is more than enough to set me on high alert.
“We split up from here,” I continued. “You’ll find your way to a public place to feed. But, you have to keep a low profile, don’t go to any of the hotels.” That meant the Luxor. Rose and her friends would be sleeping at this time, since it was their “night”. Though I doubt Rose would be getting much sleep after what just happened. If any of the groups go to Rose’s hotel, she’d kill them.
If she hadn’t backed me up, Eddie’s stake would have driven to my heart to end my life. Once again, she had hesitated. She just couldn’t let me go, even when I had to her after waking up in the river Ob. She made a mistake on her behalf, and that cost a lot of human lives. I am happy to still be alive though, but didn’t I teach her better? Being that close to death, like I have been so many times, helped me realise my mistake. I had to be more focused, this shouldn’t be something of amusement to me anymore. This was business. I’ve got to kill her and return to my estate. But that was much easier said than done, especially with Rose.
We entered a bar I had never heard of. There weren’t many humans, maybe six, including the bartender. Since it was still morning, the place seemed dead. But I was sure it would have shook into life at night. If we hadn’t interfered, I mean. Since we couldn’t hide outside and feed, we had to approach in a different way.
“Stand at each exit, act casual.” I whispered to them. “I have a plan, wait for my signal.”
“Can’t we just get’em now?” A Strigoi man with an unfamiliar accent asked quietly, though looking very annoyed.
In a flash, I backhanded him too fast for the humans to notice. “You listen without questioning me!” I hissed. The humans didn’t suspect a thing as they carried on conversing, oblivious to the dangers around them. The Strigoi however, looked appalled, as if violence wasn’t something they ever engaged in.
“Yes,” He hopelessly mumbled, looking down at the floor. He shook his head, and scurried to his position. Once everyone was in place, the humans turned towards us with suspicious glares. I ignored them and watched the surrounding Strigoi, until they all met my stare, and I nodded slightly. In sickly sweet harmony, we all bared our fangs at them and inched closer, circling them like a tightening rope. They backed away, jaws open as if to scream. Now they really were paying attention to the deathly pallor of our skin, the razor sharp fangs and the fiery red ring as our gaze met. Using my daring speed, I harshly grabbed the closest human and bit his neck.
A second later, the others followed, but I didn’t pay attention. In fact, nothing seemed of interest to me anymore. Not when the sweet sensation of blood and life rushed into me, when I could do nothing but hold onto this dying man as I kept drinking.
And like that, it was over. I pulled away, and waited for the others. The blood left me dazed, and I tried to pay attention to my surroundings. Working with Strigoi, that was almost the same as working with strangers. Maybe they’d stab me in the back when I least expect it. With Rose, we had a history, something that would make her even more reliable. Someone I could trust, and I really wished things hadn’t turned out the way they already have.
“Let’s go,” I called to them, they rushed to finish their “meal” before following me. I exited the way I came in, and I was met with the damp, musky scent of the tunnels. “You can go, but stay in the tunnels.” My tone was firm and they nodded. I turned away, aimlessly walking through the mysteries of this underground network, alone in my own thoughts. Except, I wasn’t really alone.
I was more than aware of my pursuer, maybe about ten feet away. Regardless, I continued walking as if I was oblivious to the presence. I could sense them getting closer, almost at reach, before they lunged to attack---
I swiftly turned around and caught their wrist, unsurprised to find myself face to face with man who I had “scolded” at the club. He failed to snap out from his astonishment, and I took this as an opportunity to punch him repeatedly. My fist continued to make contact with his bloody nose, enjoying the addictive sensation of my power. I stopped suddenly, when I noticed his body was motionless, in an act of defeat.
“It’s probably better for you to learn your place,” I threatened. “Before you get yourself killed.” I left feeling content and secretly glad I had an excuse to use my strength. It was just so thrilling, so exciting to be the one winning. Repeatedly I’m reminded of my achievements as one of the strongest Strigoi alive. The satisfaction and pleasure of just being that vampire many strive to be, it’s the best feeling in the world . . . It’s indescribable.
I continue wandering, fascinated by the clever idea of these tunnels. I had been avoiding the topic I shouldn’t really be thinking about. It wasn’t my business,  and with the help of having constantly having something to keep me occupied, it didn’t once touch my thoughts. But now? Having nothing to do, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About Victor Dashkov being with Rose.
The more I thought about it, the more confused it left me. There was absolutely no explanation I could come up with. It didn’t make sense why they’d be working together. Let alone, why she had busted him out. It must have been her, if she and Eddie were protecting him.
To sum things up, Rose went to Alaska to break out the one who tortured her best friend. Then to Las Vegas to shake off the cops. She was planning something, that was for sure. But who would she go to such high lengths for? She was risking the safety of the Princess, her best friend for them.
With startling realisation, I stiffened. She had quit her Academy life, traveled to Siberia and risked her life to attempt to fulfill my dumb “wish”. Whether it was stupid for her to try or not, she did that for me. Or the dhampir me anyway, but we were still the same person. I just know more now, I’m better than the man she fell for. She risked the safety of Vasilissa like she has so many times, and went on a trip with barely any chance of survival. For me. Ultimately, the only person she’d sacrifice as much as she has now, the only person she had cared for so deeply was me.


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