Chapter Six

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I've uploaded! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! It's not very long tho :(

I'm actually really happy with this insanely long break I've taken. I think its given me some time to develop Cynthia's character into something deeper that just your typical emo girl. She has some major issues...

Now I'm going to take another three month break to develop Josh's :D

Don't worry, I'm kidding.

Picture of Marcus


I stopped about halfway home, standing in the middle of the road with my phone clutched in my hand. I’m lucky no cars came because I seriously think that I was too out of it to move. I scrolled up and down my contacts, looking for him. It wasn’t that I planned to use it – because I most definitely didn’t – but part of me just wanted to know it was there. But no matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find Mr. Fletcher’s number.

Until, smack dab in the middle of the “J”s, a name popped out. Josh.

So, he had listed himself under Josh, even though he was my teacher. My incredibly hot teacher. No big deal.

I sighed and slipped it back into my bag. It’s not like I’m going to call, I told myself repetitively. Because I wasn’t going to call. NO way.

I restarted my walk towards home, wishing I could delay it further. I hated going home. My step-mother wanted the perfect daughter – not me. Because I couldn’t give her that she was more than a little cruel and demanding, but I could handle it. I was just sad that I couldn’t make her happy. My father was a business man and always away. At most, he was only home for a week out of every month. When he was… it wasn’t something I enjoyed talking about. I was just sad that I couldn’t make him happy. Then there was Marcus. He was the cliché, protective older brother. He wouldn’t let anyone get within three feet of me at school (excluding Nicole) but at home he never lifted a finger in my defense. I was just sad that I couldn’t make him happy.

I looked up at my imposing house. It wasn’t all that large, but it had a stately better-than-you air about its white walls and dark gabled roof. I sighed as I walked through the door, into the high-ceilinged entry hall. Loneliness echoed around the walls as I mounted the staircase.

I rapped my knuckles on Marcus’s door and entered without permission. He was laying face-first on his classically unmade bed, with the earbuds of his iPod shoved in and at full blast. That boy was going to end up deaf one of these days.

I walked around him, not even bothering to be sneaky about it, and, ever-so-graciously tossed myself on top of him. He let out a “manly” squeak of fright, before rolling over, flailing limbs tangling within with blankets, and doing a marvelous face plant on the floor.

“Beautiful,” I sighed, eying my work with appreciation. Marcus grunted into the floor, and I liked to think he appreciated it, too.

“Soooooo…,” I began, leaning my chin on the edge of his bed so I could look down at him without getting a crick in my neck. “Do you know where Shianne is?” He grumbled something into the carpet and flipped me off, which I took as a no. “Manners now Marcus,” I chuckled, my mood greatly improved at the discovery that my judgmental step-mother was not with us at the moment.

Shianne wasn’t that bad really. It wasn’t her fault that she wanted me to be someone else. If the blame fell on anyone, it was me, for not being able to give her what she wanted in a daughter. She wanted someone she could do girly things with, and no matter how hard I tried to fit the role, I ended up slipping out of it and frustrating her. I found it better to try an avoid her now, so I wouldn’t see that disapproving look. Maybe if I wore some of the clothes she bought me she would be happier. I, of course, would have to live with it, wearing sickeningly bright colors to school (dull was more my style) but it would be a small price to pay for her approval. Yeah… Maybe I would try that tomorrow.

Love Me Anyway (A student-teacher relationship)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz