The Fire Empress ~ Mito Uzumaki

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"Mother," was all Mito could squeak in a whisper. Her mother was the person who molded her into the woman she was today. She was a paragon, a benchmark that Mito needed to pass.

"Rise above them all, my child. Your husband will treat you right. He's a loving man. He'll give you lots of beautiful children," Kimiko sneaked a pinch into Mito's abdomen.

"But you just said that I shouldn't trust my king..."

"Well, there is a fine line between a king and a husband. Before your subjects, he is king. But in all other places, he is your husband."

Mito cocked her head to the side, lost in translation of her mother's tricky mind. Her mother sighed.

"You mustn't rely on him for everything, for I raised you more than capable of taking care of yourself. You will not burden him with your life. You will not rely on his sword, for a sword was placed in your hand long before you even learned how to talk," the Queen Mother bluntly spoke.

"Take care of this," her hand laid on the pendant that on her daughter's chest. "This necklace will surprise you one day," she added with a sweet smile.


Many moons have waxed and waned, but it was only on this heinous, atrocious eve that Mito had learned the intent of her mother's words. Her mother wanted to empower her, to set the embers that softly burned within her ablaze.

Mito was no stranger to power. True enough, she was once a warrior– a front-liner of Uzushiogakure. She has fought in the previous war with her people where she was hailed as her village's most powerful fuinjutsu user. It's no wonder why the Senju had their eyes set on her as their heir's bride.

She hurried to her husband before he left to battle Madara who approached the gates of Konoha.

"Hashirama!" she cried as she ran towards him.

"Mito," he spoke lowly.

"Keep this with you," she whispered as she tied the knot of her necklace around Hashirama's neck. "It will help you somehow. It has powers still unknown, but I know that it will help you..."

His eyes lingered for a while in hers. Finally, he pulled her in for a quick embrace as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I will be back, my wife," he answered. "Protect the village for me while I'm gone."

As soon as she nodded, he was gone from her sight.

She marched down the streets and crowds of panicked and frightened villagers. She could hear the sobs of the elderly and screechy cries of babies and children. There was alarm and fear in the atmosphere.

Finally, she reached the heart of the village, the very center of it where she sensed a group of ninja pursuing her.

"Mito-kougou! You need to come with us." They were a group of young ninjas and among them were Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane.

"A dragon does not hide in her cave while her eggs and den are being rattled," she muttered, mustering up bravery. "Please, make sure that everyone has reached the shelters safely. Leave each house empty, every street clear. Ensure everyone's safety behind the Mountain. We are not losing a single life tonight."

"What about the Uchiha clan, Milady?" Danzo asked.

"Hey-," Hiruzen grabbed him by the shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"Do we let them in-"

"How dare you," Mito was flustered. "Of course you would let them in. They're a part of this village. Whoever planted that loathsome idea in your heads? Go, and do as I command."

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