"Are you going to tell me now?" He whispered, his warm breath trickling against my ear making me shudder in pleasure. I shook my head. Nothing was going to make me tell him, not even if he keeps kissing my neck with those amazing, warm, extremly soft lips. He chuckled that amazing chuckle and bit my earlobe making me shiver all over again.

"Fine by me. I can do this all day." His husky voice said before he went back to attacking my neck with his lips. I tried despretaly to keep my moans in but after a few seconds I just couldn't and they spilled out of my mouth in soft whispers. His lips were driving me crazy and his heat wasn't helping either. 

"J-Jacob." I whispered while a moan slipped out of mouth as he bit and sucked on my soft spot over and over again. He groaned and moved his hips down on mine, his hardness pressing against my inner thigh making me gasp. My eyes flew open and I gaped at him. I figured something like this would happen with all the moaning I was doing. Jacob looked down at me sheepishly, his tan skin darking alittle, indicating that he was blushing.

"S-Sorry." He said and looked away. Smiling I pulled one of my hands out of his grasp and stroked his cheek, making him look down at me. Jake let go of my other hand and was now using it to stroke my side gently. Pulling him down I kissed his lips softly, wanting to savour the touch as much as I could. Pulling away I smiled softly at him before wrapping my legs around his wait, pressing his hardness against me some more. He groaned and closed his eyes, laying his head on my neck. Letting my teeth graze his earlobe I smiled and whispered in his ear.

"I want you Jacob."

::Jacob's POV::

I gaped at her. Did she really just say that. No I must just be imagining that. But I wasn't. She really did say that. She frowned when I didn't do anything.

"Whats wrong?" Her beautiful voice asked me while she stroked my cheek.

"I know you want to and you know I want to so what's stopping us." I just continued to gape at her. Probably looking like a complete dumbass too. She sighed, unwrapped her legs from around my waist and pushed me off of her. Which might I add sense she obviously wasn't human was something she could easily do. 

"Nevermind. Just forget I said anything." She whispered, fixing her hair and wincing when she saw the hickey that was starting to form on her neck, again. All she did was sigh, open the door and walked out. Leaving me their in my shocked state. She really just asked me that. She really wanted me to sleep with her. Sitting up I bit my lip. I did want to sleep with her, badly. But I wanted it to be speacil and after we've known eachother longer than a week and some days. I wanted her to tell me she loved me before we make love. That's when I realized. 

I didn't want to just sleep with her. No I wanted to make love to her. To show her in the most amazing way what my words couldn't say. I wanted to show her that I loved her without a doubt. Well besides the whole I love Bella too thing I did love Savanna, alot, like alot alot. If that even made sense. Sighing I get up and walk to the door, hearing the guys voices as they talked and joked around. Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen I looked around for Savanna, but couldn't find her. Thats when I realized that her brother's weren't their either.

Furrowing my eyebrows I frowned.

"Hay guys. Where did Savanna and her brothers go?" Everyone went quiet.

"Uh they left just a few seconds ago." Embry said.

"Why?" Again silence.

"Well Savanna came downstairs looking depressed and asked her brothers if they could leave. Micheal said yeah and they left right before you came downstairs." I growled.

We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang (A Jacob Black Love Story) Being Edited!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя