The Big Day

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Well, here goes. The last chapter.

Laura woke to the sound of birdsong outside the bedroom window.  Slowly opening her eyes, she could see through the slit in the curtains it was a bright autumn morning; just as the forecast had predicted and she should know,  she'd been watching them close enough.

It was her wedding day. Again. But this was going to be different. This was going to be the day of her dreams, of their dreams. In more ways than one.

She got out of bed and opened the curtains.  Her room for the night had faced east so her eyes were met with a beautiful low sunrise,  lighting up the purple heather and golden bracken.  She breathed in deeply. Yes  today would be their day. 

She made her way into the bathroom and turned on the taps, pushed down the plug and poured a considerable amount of bath oil into the water. She rang her fingers under the faucet. Finding the correct temperature,  she left the water to run and returned to the bedroom. She looked at her wedding dress hanging there. Ready.  Altered. She hoped no one would realise how much.

There was a light tap at the door.  Laura opened it a crack,  not wanting the visitor to see her in her most unsexy pyjamas. Quite unlike the ones she had for that night. It was Tom.

"Morning!"  he greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning. Has Katie got you running errands already?" Laura asked

"She's unbelievable.  She's got a timetable and everything." Laura laughed at this, imagining the military style operation Katie would try to run. "Anyway.  She's ordered room service breakfast for you at nine, so she'll be along just after when she'll eat with you. The hairdressers will be here at nine thirty and make up woman at eleven. I think that was it. Oh and don't try any sort of disappearing act like you did at your hen night because she will track you down and do something quite nasty. I can't remember what it was." Tom was pleased with himself for remembering it all.

"Yes sir." Laura saluted him. "Tell her received and understood." And with a smile and a wink Tom left her to it.

Laura lay in the bath thinking about Ricky.  He'd stayed the night at home with his parents and Craig, his best man. They were due to meet up with Simon,  Vijay, Peanut, Whitey and Chris in their suits ready for the roll of ushers in the pub in the local village. He'd be getting ready now. She smiled,  thinking of him preening himself in the mirror, wanting to look his best. No different to what she'd be doing all morning.  She hoped they wouldn't drink too much.

Breakfast arrived at nine on the dot and Katie not many minutes after.  She'd ordered salmon and scrambled eggs Laura realised on removing the cloche. Her stomach turned at the thought. Laura told her, with the nerves she was feeling, if she ate that there would be a good chance it would be making a reappearance. Katie let her off and ordered them both a bacon sandwich.

"I was only trying to be civilised!"  Katie explained.  She had meant well.

Hair went perfectly. She'd had enough practises in the week before the wedding having taken three weeks off work.  One for preparation and two for their honeymoon in French Polynesia, a paradise of turquoise seas and private beaches. Yes that would do nicely for settling the wedding stresses and she'd had a few of those in the last few weeks.

Make up had been applied, but Katie had kept Laura away from any mirrors since she'd begun getting ready, so she had no idea what she looked like. It was just the dress now to slip on, but they had a little while to go before that needed to be done.

Katie sipped at the champagne that had been sent to the room with a hand written card from Ricky.

Can't wait to see you my beautiful wife to be. Just a little something to calm your nerves!  X X X

You Never Said - Part 3 To The Producer (A Ricky Wilson Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now