Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?

Start from the beginning

“Is what true?” I asked, climbing out of the bunk. It was hurting my spine and I couldn’t lift me head up straight.

“I saw an article about you and Beck. Just tell me if it true or not.” Niall said.

                I nearly choked on my own spit. Does he really think that I would cheat on him? Does he really have the nerve to ask me about that when there are rumors all over the place about him cheating on me? I was way past mad. I’m ten miles past mad.

“Excuse me?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

“Just tell me if it’s tru-” Niall began but I cut him off.

“Of course it’s not true you dick! How could you do this to me?  I’ve been killing myself over these stupid Nindy rumors that seem to be more real than ever before. You have the nerve to ask me this shit. You know what…  Niall? I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. I just don’t want to have this constant worry hanging over my shoulder.” I said, tears forming in my eyes.

“Liz, please baby it was just a question.” Niall said.

“No, not it wasn’t. You obviously don’t trust me and I obviously can’t trust you. Especially because you’ve been sneaking around with this Cindy girl. Even if it’s not true it’s only going to happen on the next time we are apart or the time after that.” I said, wiping the now falling tears.

“Liz wait, what are you saying? I’m sorry. I take it all back. I trust you.” Niall said, his voice panicky. I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me.

“I’m sorry…” I said, needing to pause because I was beginning to cry so hard. “I love you Niall, I really do. But I can’t do this.” I said. I heard Niall protesting as I hung up the phone.

                I don’t know what to think. I love Niall so much, with all my fricken heart. But these rumors, these insecurities that are coming back… I can’t. I want to believe that I can trust Niall. But I can’t help it if I don’t. There are so many rumors and I just don’t know what to think.

                I looked down at my phone, seeing a picture of Niall and I as my screensaver. We took it on at a beach in Australia when I was on the Take Me Home tour. I glared at the phone before throwing the phone on the wall. It cracked and fell to the floor, pieces all over the place.

                I heard footsteps running behind me and saw that Beck ran over to me. He turned me around and asked what’s wrong.

“I broke up with him. I’m not dating Niall anymore.” I said through my sobs. Beck pulled me into his arms and I started crying on his shoulder.

“Shh, it’s going to be okay.” Beck said, rubbing my back. I pulled out of the hug and walked over to by bunk. I pushed the curtains to the side and sat down on my bunk, holding my head in my hands.

                Beck sat down next to me and started rubbing my back. I sighed and wiped my eyes, looking up at him. I have no idea what to do now. I have no clue where to go from now.

“What do I do now?” I asked.

                Beck shrugged and took my hand in his. I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at my hand from his. I was about to ask him what he’s doing but he started speaking first.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, Liz. But I never could with Niall, now I can.” Beck said. I shook my head, knowing what he’s going to do.

                Before I knew it his lips were pressed up against mine. It was absolutely horrible. I knew that Beck had taken up smoking but I never knew it would taste like this. His lips were moving way to fast and it wasn’t for me. Shit! I’m cheating on Niall. Fuck, we aren’t together anymore. But… I want to take it back and now I can’t.

                I used all the strength in my body to push Beck back. He looked really surprised as I stood up. I turned back to face him and being the girl I am, I slapped him across the face.

“Liz! What the hell was that for?” Beck asked, cupping his red cheek.

“You ass! You should know that no matter how many times I think or say it I will always love Niall. I’m going to try and get him back and now I have to explain to him how I cheated on him. With the exact same person that he thought I was cheating on him with. I can’t believe you.” I said, walking over to my dresser.

“Liz, I’m sorry. I thought that you felt the same way.” Beck said. I told him to fuck off, and luckily he did. I started pulling out different clothes and tossing them on my bunk. I then grabbed the bag underneath my bunk and started shoving the clothes in it.

                I also grabbed a few things of Niall’s that he did leave here by accident. Like the shirt, and then the sweatshirt that he forgot to take back after he found out that I took it from him. I also grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste and a few other things that I think I might need.

                I zipped up the bag and pushed the sliding door open. I walked out towards the couch, where Julie, Caitlin, and Marty were sitting. They took one look at my tear stained face and stood up.

“What’s wrong? Where are you going? And why did Beck run out of here in such a hurry?” Julie asked, walking up to me.

                I wiped the wetness off my cheek and told them what had happened. Between Niall and I and then Beck and I. I also told them that I’m flying out to where they are now to make things right.

“Why don’t you just call him?” Caitlin asked.

“I broke my phone. Can I barrow yours in case you need to get in touch with me?” I asked. Caitlin nodded and handed me her phone.

                I thanked them and gave them each a hug before walking out of the bus. I used Caitlin’s phone to call a cab and it arrived within twenty minutes. It seemed to take forever though. I just need to get to Niall and beg for him to take me back. I shouldn’t have just blown up on him like that. I just need to go and get him back.


There’s the chapter! I bet you didn’t see it coming. Well… maybe you did… I don’t know. All I know is that I’ve been planning this for such a long time and now that the boring filler chapters are out of the way it can finally take place!

I just want to apologize for not updating since the 8th. I’ve been reading After and well… it’s amazing. Defiantly one of my favorite books to read. But I don’t suggest reading it if you aren’t comfortable with things like… sex.

Haha…now that things got a little awkward….

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!!

~Amanda<3 xXx

--Gif on the side is Julie! Or in this case, Cristine Prosperi

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