Chapter 6

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I hate going to school on Monday but I have no choice. I still felt torn when I saw Drew's blondie girlfriend. I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes, my face, my whole body looked dead and even my heart. I had to let this go I've been crying for hours and hours. My eyes look like freaking CHINESE! UGHHHHHH I LOOK SO UGLY! I begged my Mom and asked her if I could not go to school but I couldn't tell her why so she said no sooooo that's hopeless.

I sigh. Looking myself in the mirror, I I had to get my eyes look big and not chinky.


Here at School YAY! I hissed. I tried to pass by everyone by putting my head down then someone caught my hand.


It was Jay. Not. Right. Now. I closed my eyes. When I open them I see Jay's shoes on the floor.

"Munchie" he said again. But I didn't say anything.

"Are you alright? Why can't you look at me?"

"J-j-jay not- not right now please just- let me pass" still looking down at his shoes.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong"

 "Nothing's wrong ok! I'm perfectly fine so stop worrying about me I wanna be alone please give me time give me space to think by myself.." I kept mumbling going too fast that Jay couldn't catch up.

"Wha- What? Munch your talking way too fast"

I kept mumbling and mumbling.


still mumbling.


I wouldn't shut up until he called me the third time.


"What!" I snapped.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about blondie, Drew's girlfriend".


"Yes? She even told me when- nothing"

I snuck into Drew's house.

"What are talking about? Drew doesn't have a Girlfriend" 


What?!!!?!?!!! So that little bitch was lying too? I should have made my acting for convincing. I feel really stupid on how gullible I am. I should have fight back instead I got defeated of hurtful words from that bitch.

"Wha- what ? I-I Wait! If she's not Drew's girlfriend then who is she?" 

"I don't know probably Drew's crazy stalkers like you" he stated.

I glared "Shut up"

"Anyway, Drew doesn't even know her when I asked him"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Why should I?"

"Because he's my-"

"Boyfriend? no, he's just your crush right? is that what you were going to say?" 

I can see the anger of Jay's eyes and his whole face but why? He knows that I like Drew but why didn't he tell me? but he's got a point I really don't have the right to be this obesses I mean this is just a crush, a crazy crush..

I really don't know what to do right now.

"I have to go" I walked past Jay and this time he didn't go after me.

After hearing all of this.. Should I be relieved? well I guess? but.... because of my Drew, my crush.. just because of a crush i'm feeling this way, way too hard, too many tears for him and he doesn't even know how I feel. 

I don't know what to do anymore. 

is it..

time to move on? should I give up? 

OK! Next Crus-



I took the ball from the floor wondering who owns it, rotating the ball with my hands.

"I see you got my ball.." 

I looked up and it was Drew.

"Oh.." I gave a small smile. I handed his ball back "here.." 


"Ow" I put my hand in my forehead it still hurts.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded "Yeah, I just got hit by your ball"

"Oh! so sorry let me see"

I backed away from him coming closer to me "no it's ok.. just a small ice pack will do. No biggy"

"oh.. ok.."

"well bye" turned my back and walked.

"You want me to go with you" I turned and said

"I can manage" I gave a smile. Does he really care that I got hurt like the last time? I mean i'm not a little girl I can handle myself. I sighed. Whatever i'm feeling right now has to stop. 

I touched my forehand with hand. I pouted. Ouch, it really hurts...

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