Chapter 2

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       I have 3 sibllings, 2 brothers and 1 sister. I'm the oldest one from all. Zayn, the second oldest sibling, 11 years old, he can play the cello, piano, he's smart and good at painting. I can play the violin and a little bit of piano because my old crush before Gabby taught me how, he is very talented muscian, we don't really talk or hangout that much anymore but we keep touch in Facebook but we haven't really started chatting yet. Me and Zayn stop taking lesson when school starts every year and then in the summer we continue our lessons again, I also do swimming but it's just a hobby although I am thinking of doing some training, I like to play sports like soccer, badmintion, and volleyball, I like to draw but though, I'm not that really artistic. My little sister Zoey, the third sibling, 8 years, she's part of the artistic side. Last but not the least my Howie, the youngest sibling, only 5 years old, a cute and chubby kid that I always want to just squish his cheeks. He's a very naughty kid but he's listens to me when I say stop because he's scared of me.

          Howie and Zoey were dropped out first to school, me and Zayn go to the same school together. The four of us are seperated into two schools. I don't know the reason why were separated then just be together although it would be tiring for me to take care all three of them in the same school. 

"Were here" Mom said.

"Bye, Mom" I gave her a kiss on the cheek

"Bye, Mom" Zayn said. He also gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Come on, Zayn" I open the car door and we got out.

"Be good ok" Mom said. Both me and Zayn nodded, then Mom started to drive.

"Let's go" I said. We walked to Zayn class first to be dropped off.


 Once I saw Regan in her locker and I ran to her.

"Haiiiiiii" I said, acting all cute.

"Hey" she said "So... did you dream about Drew last night" making kisses in her mouth, teasing me. Mwah, mwah, mwah "Oh Drew, Dre-"

"SHADDDUPPP UP REGAN!" she laughed. "and yes I dreamt about him of course me but not about kissing, ew"

"Ew?" she pointed out, lifting her right eyebrow up.

"What?" before she was gonna say something back, her eyes narrowed behind my back.

"Oh, look. Drewlalicious" I looked behind my back and saw Drew walking in the hallway, passing the girls whispering about how cute he is, as always. I blushed when he look at me in quick second and my heart was beating fast, I notice a smile on my face but I tried to stop smiling, not to make him see that I felt shuddered inside with delight when I saw him and probably same as the other girls when he passed by them. When he walked and passed by me it like there was a slow motion for a second.

"Munchie" clap, clap. Regan clapped her hands in my face and got my senses back to together.

"Huh?" I said, Regan lift her right eyebrow up. "What?"

"Get over him" she said.

"Right" I opened my locker.

"Look I know you like him but don't be too obvious, besides I thought you were over him"

"I know you said that a million times but like I also said a million times I can't, right?"

"Yah.." she shooked her head in confusion "Hey, who are your crushes again?"

"Greyson Chance..hmmm... Zayn-" I saw Regan put a smirk on your face and eyebrow lift up again. I made a face when I know what she meant.

"Shut up it's not my brother, Zayn and ew what are you thinking? gross"

"What I was not thinking that"

"Yah, yah, whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok anyone else?"

"well those are my celebrities crushes but if it's reality it's..umm... Danny, CJ, and..."

"Drew?" she finished my sentence, I hate to admit but I nodded at her.

"WOW, you have alot crushes, I only have one, can't you at least have one after another?"

"Nope, it's too hard to choose" Before Regan could speak. 

"Hey" someone said to us, I turned to the person. It was Jay, he was my best friend, the nicest and funniest guy I ever met, he makes me day happy. I met Jay and Regan at the same year when I was still new. I think from all my friends, they were my closest ones, well I'm also closed to Alex and Cazandra too but not as Jay and Regan, their really special to me, their like my brother and sister.

"Oh, hey, Jay" I hugged him.

"It's good to see you back, Munchkin" he said. He called me Munchkin at the second year he got it from the "Dunkin' Donut Munchkins" at the time when we hangout and stop by to buy donuts there, at first it annoyed me but now I got used to him calling me that. My Dad also calls me "Munchkin" when I was little, up until now. But he doesn't know that Jay also calls me that, I haven't told him yet but if I did it would kinda be awkward, I don't know what would he be thinking. He said he should be the only one to call me that and that if a boy called me that, it's like names for a boyfriend and girlfriend thing, and I wouldn't want to say that to Jay it would be awkward for me and him, I didn't tell him cause he might avoid me. My Dad is really protective especially to boys like any other Dad would be. But it's ok it shows how he cares about me.

I released from him and smiled. Before I could say anything, the school bell rang. It was annoying I just saw Jay and we haven't talk. Arghhhhhhh.

I sighed "Let's go" I took my book, closed my locker and the three of us went off to our first class..

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