Chapter 4

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   It was already Thursday. Wow! time goes really fast when just a few days ago Drew saved me. I kept dreaming and repeating again and again my hero hahaha..

    We were having Science with Mr. Williams. It was favorite subject but the teacher was just so boring at teaching us. I sighed.  I couldn't really focus at listening at blah blah blah... I sticked my tongue out a little and Regan laughed.

Mr. Williams clapped his hands loud and made my eyes wide awake.

"Ok, guys, you will be teaming up into pairs for this assignment deadlines on next week" 

Everyone in the class sighed.

     As Mr. Williams announce the names.. I was waiting who will I be partners with.. Oh no! this is what i'm afraid of, last time Jake was partner ughhhh he didn't even help with anything I wanted to kill him but it's a good thing we passed and we, wait- no I submited it on time if it wasn't for me and only me but I don't know why I didn't tell to Mr. Williams, I just let it go that easily. He should be thankful I didn't tell that lucky bastard!

"Alana and Rachel" Ugh bitch! hate her. She didn't say sorry.

"Josh and Valerie" next please, waiting who will be my partner.

"Regan and Mundrieth" well at least it was my bestie, we look at each other and smiled.

other names were being announced until it was Jay's turn.

"and..Jay and..... Drew"  

     WHAT?!?!?! OH.MY.GOD. lucky arghhhhhhh no fair. Me and Regan looked at each other with shocking reactions then we both turned to Jay as he was going to seat beside Drew. No way my best friend sitting with my crush. Almost everyone was staring at Jay but it's good thing it wasn't girl like the last time every girl in the class were furious at her, so did I. 

     When it was 12:30, the bell ringed. Finally it was Lunch. I took my backpack and hurried to follow Jay going out. 

"Hey, Jay!" I said.

"What?" he said.

"uhhh hello your partners with Drew, isn't that great" I said, happily like a girly girl.

Jay turnning to me and said "Yeahhhhh" mimicing me then made a face, turned away and continued walking.

"Hey, aren't you happy that your partners with my crush? you should be lucky, every girl in school wants to be with partner you know?."

"Munchkins, i'm not a girl and i'm definitely not gay."

I made a face "of course your not, I obviously know that"

"What is it?" he asked

"What is?.."

"Come on I know you're gonna ask something from me since I partners with him"

"Well.. where gonna do your project?"

"At his house"

"His house? as in Drew Evans' House? OH MY GOD I have to come with you"

"You can't"

I pouted "Why?"

"Cuz' I don't want you to, this is a project worth 90% of my grade and I don't want any disturbance" he didn't wait for my respond and continued walking.

 " Fine" I shouted,I pouted and crossed my arms. He seemed like annoyed when I talk about Drew..


     As I got home from school I could think of was Drew and Jay having their project together. I lay down my bed, looking up in the ceiling feeling so bored and had nothing to do, I groaned. I transfered in my study table, tapping my fingers. I opened laptop and went to Facebook to look at Drew's profile. MY GOD HE IS SO...

"hmmmmmmm.." I took blackberry phone and called Regan.

ring ring ring ring ring..

    Me and Regan do our assignment today because we both are smart and we're confindent that we are gonna pass anyway so we decided to do it in another day.

"pick up pick up pick up.."

"Hello?" she finally answered 

"Hey" I said.

"Oh! Hey Munchie, What's up?"

"Nothing much..just really boring today but ummm.."


"You wanna go at Drew's house"


"He invited me cause he was having.. uhhhhhhhh a party" I lied.

"Seriously?!?! he invited you?"



"Wanna come?"

"Umm... yeah sure"

"Great! I'll meet you there. Bye"

"Bye" she said. I hang up my phone and  I was able to know Drew's house because the other stalkers of Drew who know more than me. I told Regan already before in the past. I'm to going to Drew's house for the first time. The reason why I lied to her is because if I told that I would stalk Drew she would say no but she totally get mad at me once I get there.


   Few minutes I arrived and saw Regan in the front door of Drew's house, she got first before me.. Oh! No! she pressed the doorbell ding dong, I ran after anyone before the door opens I grabbed her hand and she gasped and we both run going to the bushes on the side of the house.

Regan was breathing so hard was I Phew! that was so close! "Munch!-"

"Shhhhhhh quiet" I whispered.

"Why?" she whispered.


"Because..." she repeated.

"I wasn't really invited because there was no really party... I made it up so you could come with me... I just wanted to see them.."

she made a face " So this is why were here? Stalking him?"

"Them" I corrected.

"Them who? Jay and Drew? My God Munch from all the stalking of Drew pictures in Facebook, this is the worst that you've ever done yet."

"Your right, we should go"

      but If I don't go now my curiosity will kill me of I don't know what are they doing in there well of course I know their doing their project but maybe they could talk about boy stuff or like girls..

"right after this" I said and I ran out of the bush quietly leaving Regan behind.

"Munchie!" she whispered "Munchie!"

    I ignored her, once I was about to opened the window I looked at Regan in the bushes wide eyes, shaking her head, saying no in your mouth with no sound.

     I lift up the window quietly and fell the floor "Ow" I got up and WOW Drew's house is like million dollars, he's rich alright. A kind of pink and blush marbled floor, a big staircase in the middle across both doors and between it was a beautiful chandelier. I turned around and amazed by the place I kept turning so fast I got dizzy until I stopped spinnning, I was still wobbling a little bit, as I turned a little more to stop.

"Excuse me, who are you?" girl said. both of her arms were crossed and little rude when she asked. Oh Crap! I'm dead I didn't what to do. I couldn't think of any plan. I gulped.

"Well?" she said waiting for a reponse. She had blonde hair with highlights, had blue eyes, almost the height as me and a very slim waist. She was really pretty but Who the hell is she? her attitude is so rude.

I cleared my throat and lift my chin up putting both hands in my waist and said "I'm Drew's girlfriend and you are?"

    It was crazy of me to say that but I just went for it, I was a afraid what the girl might say to me next but still put a little confidence in myself..

she squint of glare in her eyes at me and she said-

"I'm Drew's girlfriend.."

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