Chapter 1

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"Oh. My.God. He's so hot, I mean look at him. Why does Drew have to be so damn hot?" 

"Munchie, I think your really obessed- wait are you stalking his Facebook again gurlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll..." said, Regan.

         Regan, my best friend for life. I met her in the first day of school in Bates high. She was the first person to introduce herself in the class, we got along so well in the first day and now we've been best friends only a year and we already this close than anyone from school, we had so much in common. I enjoyed spending time with her, she's already like a sister to me. She's always been there for me when I get hurt from my crushes breaking my heart or any problem I go through, I get easily hurt but then I easily be ok again hahahaha I'm such a crazy girl and she acts crazy too that's why I love her. I have mix emotions. 


"Really now?

"Well... Ok, fine, yes I am..

"I thought you said you were over him?"

"Yah, I know but you know I can't, he's just so ahhhhhhhhhh"

"hahahaha" she laughed

"Ok,  so I do guess I have this crazy little obes-

 "Wait. LITTLE?"

"Ok, alot"

She laughed and so did I.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying, ok."

"It's alright, I mean his your first crush anyway"

"Yah..Oh, it's already late we have school tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh I can't wait to see him. Ok, gotta go, good night bestie"

She laughed "Night. Bye. Love you bestie"

"Love you too bestie XOXO" I smiled when I end the call and clicked on my mouse to zoom in his profile picture for one last time.

       I sighed. Why do you have to this cute? I asked myself. Drew was my crush for 3 years now and still doesn't know me, well we have talk a few times in school.. and sometimes when we pass by each other in the hall way one of us says "Hi" mostly it's me. Still I know him more about him than he knows about me cuz I stalk him. Before I didn't know him and I was only new in Bates High, I added him in Facebook and he decline my friend request, it's like breaking my heart into pieces. But I got over it and never had a friend request from him even if he knew me now, I didn't made a friend request him, ever again it was too embrassing. I tried to get over him alot of times but I couldn't it was too hard to get over my first crush and he's been longest one yet.

         He had spiky black hair, dark black eyes, not like my other crushes were the usually who had blue, brown or green but there also cute though but not as cute as Drew. (He had different eyes than other crushes, which my bestie calls me a two-timer playboy crush hahaha because I have more than one crush) He had a tan skin and 6 packed abs. Because he is a swimmer and a triathlete and of course a hottie and of course a lot girls has crush on him I mean who wouldn't right? even gays guys like him. It's just that he's so arrogant and a jerk, he hates the fact that girls has a crush on him and trying chasing him to get his attention. But not sure with the boys cuz their probably act manly to get close to him. I mean shouldn't he be kind and have appreciation that girls like him alot. I don't really get why? and I was part the other girls who were all over him.

      I was make excuses just to see him swim and maybe thought he might talk to him me little. I go to every competition and never missed one I would die if I didn't go and miss one I would never. I wish someday he would notice that I support him and that I'm not just any other girl like what he thinks he is from all his crushes.

         I looked at the clock it was already 12 midnight shiiiiiiii.. I must have been mesmerize by his profile pic, I didn't notice the time. I yawned, stretching both my arms up high. I logout my Facebook account and I shut down my computer. Ughhhhhhhh another day of school again but though I can't wait to see him... I went to bed and covered myself with a blanket and cuddle my teddy bear thinking it was like hugging Drew. I closed my eyes and dream about being with Drew.

Hihihi, I giggled..


I hope you like the first chapter guys :)

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