"Thanks for driving me home" / Stiles

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Stiles pulled into Y/n's driveway after picking her up from the station after a, kanima incident.

The ride home was silent, Stiles had told y/n not to go out at night, but y/n didn't listen, she tried to prove she could take care of herself, yet she had no idea what the kanima was capable of. Stiles and y/n had dated before Scott was bitten and things got complicated. The two had broke it off, One - because y/n didn't know how to deal with the supernatural and Two - Stiles didn't want y/n to get hurt. But of course, neither of them wanted to break up, in fact, they were both still madly in love with each other.

The jeep pulled to a stop in front of y/n's house, still not a single word spoken between the two, y/n didn't know if she was relieved or worried.

"Um thanks... for... driving me home." Y/n said slowly, scared to speak instead of just getting out and running inside. After y/n spoke, the only thing to be heard was the click of her seatbelt and the opening of the door.

"Y/n." Stiles said before y/n could close the door.

a wave of confidence and a certain feeling took over y/n as she cut Stiles off, "Do you want to come in? My dads on business."

"Um, yeah sure." Stiles replied, turning off the jeep and following y/n inside.


As Stiles walked into Y/n's room, memories began to flood his brain. When Stiles confessed his love for y/n, when they lost their virginity to each other, and countless times of cuddling and watching movies.


"Stiles, we watched Star Wars last week." Y/n groaned at Stiles obsession.

"There's more than one star wars movie, Y/n." Stiles replied with a chuckle.

"Fine." Y/n playfully groaned.

Stiles pulled y/n onto his lap and kissed her passionately.

flashback over

"Stiles?" Y/n asked, breaking Stiles from his thoughts.

"yeah?" Stiles said back, trying to play it off, but knowing y/n was well aware of Stiles' daydream.

"Are you okay?" Y/n spoke softly.


Stiles lunged towards y/n and pushed her up against the wall and kissed her roughly, which y/n was glad to return.

"I'm not okay unless I'm with you." Stiles said and lunged towards her lips again.

"You dont know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." Y/n spoke, slightly breaking from the kiss.

Stiles chuckles and kissed her again.

Just posted Teen Wolf Gif Series book, go check it out. Alone with Rants, Advice, Face claims and Simple book covers.


𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ── dylan o'brien imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon