Thanksgiving / Dylan

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Happy Thanksgiving, loves

Third Person

Y/N woke up to an empty bed once again. Dylan had been working 14 hours a day the past couple of weeks. Of course, Y/N was upset she rarely saw a glimpse of her boyfriend, but she respected his career, and the time it took.

But, today was different...

Thanksgiving Day

Dylan had told Y/N he would never work on a Holiday, they spent every holiday together. However the 2 weeks on the set of Teen Wolf needed Dylan, Y/N understood but she needed Dylan too.

Y/N sighed and turned over in her spot on the bed, grabbing her phone and scrolling through Twitter. Y/N, being an actress as well, was replying to many of her friends 'Happy Thanksgiving' tweets to her.

Deep in thought, she barely felt the bed shift. Then arms wrapped around her waist and a head on her shoulder.

lightly turning to see Dylan, she asks confused, "Why arent you at work?"

"It's Thanksgiving, I told you I'd never miss a Holiday." He replied hugging her tighter.

Y/N to where she was facing Dylan with a huge smile on her face, Dylan let out a chuckle as of Y/N's happiness.

Laying her head against his chest, she asks, "So we get to spend the whole day together?"

"The whole day, baby."


After cuddling for what seemed like forever, the couple got up and dressed ready to spend the day with each other. Both of their families decides celebrating Thanksgiving would come next week, when Dylan was officially off work.

"Where to first?" Y/N asks as they got in the car.

"I dont care, you choose." Dylan said, resting his hand on her thigh out of habit.

"Hmm, what about Starbucks?" Y/N says realizing neither of them ate breakfast.

"works for me." Dylan replies, pulling out of the driveway.


After a day well spent, the couple returned home. Changing back into comfy clothes, they took a seat on their couch and turned on Netflix.

"Dyl." Y/N says turning to him.

"Yeah?" He says not taking his eyes off the movie.

"Im thankful, for you." she says taking his hand.

He turns his head now facing her,

"Im thankful for you too."

The couple shares a passionate kiss and returns to their movie, cuddling closer than before.


𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ── dylan o'brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now