"Wait a second, so you're telling me that Cade also likes me and you got mad at him for that?" Gabby asked as she backed away from Drew.

"Pretty much."

"Get out." Gabby quickly said.

"Are you mad at me again?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Just get out." Gabby said pointing to the door signaling him to leave.

'How long as he liked me?' Gabby thought, 'It doesn't matter now, I need to hurry up, I don't wanna be late.'


Tom was getting ready to go out to the place where he wanted to take Gabby, but instead he's just going to have to go alone. He was so disappointed that Gabby couldn't come along with him because he knew she would of loved it.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"No, I'm not alright, you really think I liked being rejected by her," Tom told Harry as he opened the front door to leave.

"Don't look at it the wrong way, maybe, she had to spend the day with her family." Harry said trying to cheer him up.

"Dammit Harry, you really think she would like me? Just look at how many guy friends she has. Especially that Drew kid, the way he looks at her. I have no chance," Tom said as he slammed the door behind him and left Harry in total shock.

He really does like her.

"Jeez, what's up with all the yelling?" Sam asked walking towards Harry as he heard the commotion that was going on.

"Sam, you have to help me out with something," Harry demanded.

"What is it bro?" Sam asked concerned.

"It has to do with Gabby and Tom."

This absolutely got Sam's attention. Gabby and Tom? Since when.


Gabby was already on her way to the park for the audition. She was nervous and worried. Maybe if she told Tom to come she would of been less nervous. But that's to late now, and she totally regretted it.

So many things were going through her mind as she was walking to the park. Will Jocelin and Danny come? Will she make it through? Will her parents be able to attend? She knew Jasmin, Cade, Drew, and Stephanie were coming.

Great, Drew, she's had enough of him. She doesn't want to see him in the audience. If she did she would just pretend he isn't there. How could he just randomly kiss her out of no where?! That really pissed her off.

When Gabby finally arrived she saw this huge stage at the park with a bunch of chairs surrounding it. She quickly headed her way on stage. She went up the stairs and noticed how tall the stage was.

She couldn't believe it, she was actually going to sing in front of many people. Maybe this experience isn't going to be as bad she thought it would be.

Until she heard someone's familiar voice behind her, "What are you doing here?"

Gabby quickly turned around to come face to face with Alley. Great, just what she needed.

"I'm auditioning, and what do you think your doing here?" Gabby asked with a disgusted tone.

"I'm also auditioning you idiot," Alley said, "But watch me get your sorry little ass get kicked. I'm winning this shit."

"Oh really and what makes you think that?" Gabby asked getting irritated.

"Because, I just am. Besides, I want to become famous and see who the special guest is. He better be hot because that's what I'm waiting for."

You absolutely disgust me," Gabby said as she spotted a piano on stage and decided to start playing.

"Psh, I can totally do better than that. Just watch me on the auditions, I'll beat all of your guys." Alley said as she left stage and went who knows where.

'I really hope I don't back out of this.'


"Great, I was so busy thinking about Gabby I forgot my phone," Tom told himself as he drove his way to the auditions.

He was about to call Harrison, Catherine, Jack, and Ellicia to see if they would like to accompany him but as you can see he forgot his phone.

When Tom finally arrived at the park, he quickly put his hoodie on and tried to hide his face. He didn't want to get mobbed by a bunch of crazy fangirls because last time he almost lost his shoe in that crowd.

Tom quickly took his seat near a table and saw that the judges were already there, waiting for the auditions to start.

"Hey Tom, ready to watch these talented people sing?" A thirty year old female judge asked.

"Hey Paula, I just hope these people don't hurt my eardrums." Tom replied as he gave the other two male judges a polite greeting nod.

"There might be a bad one here and there, but don't worry, you'll recover from it." Paula said.

'If only Gabby was here, it wouldn't matter to me.' Tom thought as he put his attention towards the empty stage awaiting for the first contestant.


One person went on stage, then someone else and then another. Gabby was getting really nervous pacing back and forth as she heard them sing.

As she heard the judges talking and criticizing every single person that went on stage to perform, she knew that these people are not up for a joke. These people are strict about performances.

Gabby absolutely despised being the last one in performing, presenting, or do absolutely anything. But in this case, she couldn't do anything about it, she's already got that position and has to wait to be called.

It was almost her turn to go on stage, after the one performing right now finishes. Gabby's heart is beating really fast and her hands were sweating.

"Our last contestant for tonight will be Gabby DeHaven."

As Gabby heard these words she straightened herself up and walked on stage.

As soon as she got past those curtains she saw many people surrounding her.

Soon she spotted Jocelin and her cousin Danny sitting in the front row smiling from ear to ear.

She also spotted her parents, Jasmin, Stephanie, Drew, and Cade sitting behind them. Drew didn't look very happy though, not at all.

After that she quickly took a glance at all the judges. She saw two male judges with brown hair, green eyes, and looked exactly alike. They're probably twins just like Sam and Harry. Next to them was a lady that looked like she was around her thirties, with beautiful long blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a simple red shirt on.

Next to her was ... Wait, it can't be. The person Gabby least expected to see here. She couldn't move, she froze at the instant she saw him. Those beautiful curls and brown eyes.

That's probably why Drew didn't look so happy.

Tom was the special guest all along.


Heeeey My Loves! Sorry About Not Updating This Fanfic Sooner. It's Juus That I Haven't Really Had The Inspiration To Keep Going. But Then These Ideas Came To Mind. So I Will Try To Update The Next Chapter Soon. Anyways, Who's Liking It So Faar? Juus Leave Your Comments & Votes Please! Also, Who's Followed Us On 'We Heart It'? -> TomHollandFans

Well, Thank You My Darlings For Reading. Much Love! <3(:

Happy Late Valentines Day! Who Tweeted Harry & Sam A Happy Birthday?(:

~ GabiHolland •

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