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Rules Of Engagement

The principle of military necessity justifies the employment of violence to obtain the submission of the enemy or to reach that certain military objective. However, the actions against the enemy or the objective must not violate the Law of War. Military necessity is based upon nature, location, purpose, and use. This is the guiding principle for all of our actions while operating in combat. Once military necessity dictates that we engage, we must do so...


Jesus or Jesse

The temperature dropped quickly as the sun disappeared behind the mountains. We were losing visibility. We'd soon have to depend on our Night Vision Goggles and Optic Devices.

With the adrenaline gone, I felt exhausted. I'd had no sleep for twenty-seven hours and counting. The sound of gunfire still ringing in my ears. I had a feeling of dread that our battle was not over.

Viking tried to get Blackhawk and Lost Boy Actual on the com. But he was still on standby.

"I've got nothing, Theo," said Viking. "They're not rogering up. Maybe we'll get lucky, and T-Man'll get lost in the dark- I don't know. But, hey, maybe they'll send us Chuck Norris?"

Red and I exchanged glances, trying not to laugh. However, it was not a moment to smile or encourage Viking further.

Doc was still working on the girl, doing everything he could to keep her alive.

"Theo," he said. "I need to give her morphine. I've got to stop the pain. At least make her comfortable."

"Doc, that morphine is for tactical combat injuries only. Besides, I don't even know if their religion allows it."

"Screw their religion!" exclaimed Red. "I hate these goddamn filthy ragheads."

Red was quiet most of the time, usually keeping to himself. His laugh was hearty, contagious even. But he had a temper. When he disliked something, he had no problem telling anyone he could find whether they wanted to hear it.

Do you guys know Marines are going to die? Our own freaking brothers will die defending these backward goat-humping sand fleas." He shook his head and, with a shoulder shrug. I'm fighting for the two thousand killed on nine-eleven."

Red gritted his teeth, and his eyes narrowed. "I'm fighting for the Firefighters and Cops who died in those towers."

"Yeah, Red!" said Doc. Of course, we shouldn't have rescued her if we were going to let her die.

"Everyone, take a deep breath," I said. "That morphine is for us, Doc. You know that. You need to stay frosty. Understand?"

He said nothing. "Doc, do you understand?"

He reached into his bag and took out a penlight. I watched him pull down on her lower eyelid and check her eyes.

"Jesus Christ." Doc gritted his teeth. He returned to his bag and got a fluid bag and a butterfly needle. Taking his SOF-TAC tourniquet from his SAW pouch, he placed it on her right arm. Handing the IVF to Chief to hold it overhead, Doc punctured her skin. Releasing the tourniquet, he began flushing the IVF with a saline plunger.

"She only needs a quarter dose of morphine set aside for me. If I get hit, then I'll just have to suffer." He took another needle and a vial of morphine from the kit. He hesitated.

"This is a freaking slippery slope, Doc," I said. "You can really screw us if this goes sideways. You need to get hold of yourself-"

"It's your call, Doc," said Theo. "Just make sure you have enough for us. Are we clear, Hospital Corpsman?"

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