My assassin life was part of my new life so it really didn't matter to me if he knew about it I mean most of the assassins back at HQ new.

"7 months."

His shocked expression made me snort.
I cut him off just as he was about to comment.

"I'm going to get dressed then I'm leaving. I suggest you do the same."

To be honest I was only being respectful to him because he is the same level and house as me and if either one of us is angered by the other it could be an all out brawl with possibly a few innocent deaths along the way. This is mainly why the head assassins the ones in charge try to keep the Kings and queens separate. And because the deck respects them as we listen to their commands.

Well apart from me that is. I never really liked them from the beginning with all the stuck up ness they give off. I mean you could mistake them for a bunch of people with prickly pears up their asses.

I was all ready up the stairs by now and in my room picking out the clothes I was going to wear today.

I had three options.

1- the hot top bitches
(Aka the pack sluts. Mainly because all of the popular girls consists of werewolf's.)

With that status I could get closer to Sam and his buddies and learn about the missing girls around town and who is involved.

But the down side is if I walk into school looking like one them and being accepted or I could either be rejected as part of the group and become a normal student which is my second option.

But being normal may lead me into finding out a few things about what's going on but not as much as the first option.

Then there was my third option 'the nerd'

Only good thing about this is that you are practically invisible and people won't spare as much as a second glance at you. Making it easier to find things out.

Down side is I will probably be picked on.
And let's just say me and my wolf don't appreciate or tolerate that from anyone any more.

So now that I've narrowed down my options I'm gonna go for the hot bitch look to try and get into the group that hangs around Sam. Aka popular group and if all else fails I will revert back to my old self as half normal and half nerd.

I got out a mid thy tight denim skirt which I could hardly move in. And a white laced crop top that made my boobs stick out. The sleeves went down to my wrists and the bottom of my shirt ended above my belly button that had a piercing through it.

It was a small chain with a tiny skull with real white diamonds around it along with to black gems as the eyes and a line of tiny ones that looked like the nose.

I put on some cheap pathetic wedges which I could tap together to reveal silver blades that I installed my self and strapped on a band around my leg to keep the silver switch blade beside my leg.

Before walking out I brushed my hair and teeth and added on a simple strawberry fairy floss flavoured lip stick.

I looked in at my grey eyes which where to me magical. They are grey on missions or when I was scared and angry and hazel brown on my own free time or when I'm having fun.

Four years ago they were always grey I never relaxed and I never stopped fearing.

But now that I have a good look at myself
I looked like a complete and utter whore in what I was dressed in.

I mentally vomited deciding I would ditch the skirt for a pair of jeans instead.
It was near the end of spring so it was getting warm but I didn't mind because today was a bit nippy.

I opened my door the same time dripper did and a instinctual look over at each other meant we both registered what each other looked like. He checked my clothing as I did his.

He was wearing a black shirt that was nicely fitted over his mountain muscles and dark denim jeans.

We were both going for the same group.

Nodding with respect we headed to the garage where we picked out our cars or should I say motorbikes.

He looked genuinely surprised by my choice but remained silent.

I picked a black motorbike which was loaded to the max with weapons.

A machine gun disguised as an engine and a small button which shot out daggers from the handle bars.

I smiled with my choice and rode off at full speed down the road to my old hellish school.

Along with dripper behind me. On a blade sharp silver motorcycle.

"What name are you going by?" I asked as we park the closest to the Forrest.

We needed to know what name we used instead of giving our identity away. Even though there was nothing to get info on me about.apart from my assassin name.

"Max Adams, yours"

Ah so we're going as brother and sister.

We both had hard expressionless faces and I nodded before telling him mine to which he nodded to as well before we both flanked each other's sides walking past the gawking students and teachers as we focussed on the doors In front of us completely ignoring them all for they were below the King and Queen of spades.

Goddess assassin (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now