16- Alexis

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The house was filled with Christmas music and children laughing. The twins were surprisingly quiet and I wasn't complaining one bit. I helped mom and Xander's mother Alicia, make dinner while the other ladies held put the many trays of food on the table in the dinning room. The house was packed with fitness and family. We had the Deakin's, Tomlinson's, Payne's, Horan's and the lot. Doris and Ernie were giggling as they watched Frozen in the living room with Freddie and Piqués kids. The Christmas tree was huge standing at 10 ft with a wide of 8ft. There were a good amount of presents under the tree.

"Alright, we are set" Mom announced and called us all to the dinning room with Xander taking the head of the table and with me across from him at the the other end.

"The man of the house must give a speech" His mother said and he nodded picking up his glass of champagne to make the toast.

"First of all I want to thank you all for joining me and Alexis in our house to celebrate this holiday" he began to say taking a deep breath before he was once again talking "We want to thank you all for joining g us tonight to celebrate another year of happiness and gratitude. I also want to wish Louis a happy birthday and on behalf on the twins, Alexis and myself, we want you to continue being the great person you are and to never change regardless of what life may throw your way. You and your family are always welcomed here when you need to get away from everything and everyone."

Louis smiled raised his glass and tipped it toward Xander who mimicked his action before my boyfriend continue his speech bedsore saying 'cheers'

The sound of glasses clinking with each other is all you could hear in the dinning room before we had them make a line to get the food so they could eat. As we sat around the long table, we made small talk and made jokes while parents fed their children including myself as I gave the twins a bottle since they had woken up half an hour ago.


"This is for you" Xander said handing me a box wrapped in silver wrapping paper and a red bow on top and a card telling me to read the card first before opening the box. Frowning at that, I opened the envelope and took the card out. The card read:

             Dear baby blue,

           From the moment I heard your voice I felt a connection to your soul. I can still remember exactly how you looked the day we first met. Your beautiful eyes captured my heart and your smile erased any and all doubts that I had ever experienced. When you opened your arms I stepped into your loving, kind embrace and knew that I was "home" right where I had always belonged.

I smiled as I was the words on the card. I still remember the day we met at the mall. It was crazy to think that it's been 6 years since we've known each other and 2 years since we've together. The first hug we ever shared was when we met and I knew he was going to be someone special to me even before we got serious.

You knew just the words to say to put me at ease and when your hand reached out to hold mine, I realized that I had found my future, my soul-mate and the love that I had always dreamed of discovering. We spoke for hours about every possible subject and never ran out of words to say to each other.

He always told me that I knew what to say to keep put him at ease and whenever we held hands I had a sense of safety. He was my future and my soulmate and the love of my life.

I could see the longing and passion in your eyes and I am sure that it was a reflection of the incredibly intense desire that I was feeling at the same moment. The world had ceased to exist and there were only the two of us sitting next to each other, holding hands and experiencing emotions that we had never felt before.

I'm Having the Soccer Player's Baby  (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن