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I still can't get over the fact that I'm going to be a dad again. Watching Alexis's baby bump grow over the course of 6 months have been a blessing. We ended up getting disqualified for the Cup and oddly enough, I was alright with that because that meant I get to spend more time with my growing family. Tonight was the KCA and also the debut of the twins and Alexis baby bump after we announced her pregnancy three months ago via Instagram. The fans had gone wild with the news congratulating us and wishing us the best with the new member of the family. Rex and Mika were also excited to have a new playmate much like the twins were when we told her they were having sibling.

Once I was dressed in a white graphic t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black with white Louis Vuitton shoes

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Once I was dressed in a white graphic t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black with white Louis Vuitton shoes. Grabbing my jacket off the bed, I tossed it on before waking out of the room and walking down the hall towards the twins nursery.

 Grabbing my jacket off the bed, I tossed it on before waking out of the room and walking down the hall towards the twins nursery

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"Da-dee" the twins screeched with a giggle when they saw me approach making me chuckle. They were both dressed in bright pink tutus with matching leggings and their pink timberlands while their shirts were different color. Faith's shirt was blue and Hope's was pink. Their hair was pulled up in a pony tail that had the ends curled.

"Don't you look beautiful?" I cooed making them beam and I smiled picking them up and perching them on my hip and looked at Alexis who smiled.

"I'm going to go change and I'll meet you at the car in ten" she said and I nodded leaning over and giving her peck before carrying two hyper twins to the car and placing Hope down so I could put Faith in her car seat before picking her up and carrying her over to her car seat and strapping her in. I got in the driver's seat and waits for my fiancé to come out.

 I got in the driver's seat and waits for my fiancé to come out

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I'm Having the Soccer Player's Baby  (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora