Chapter 33:The scores/ the Winners.

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Word Count:2338

Lucy POV:

It is now three days before the final game and we didn't know who was going up next since they keep it private from the teams completing, I got up from the bed and got ready as Natsu, Sting, Rogue, Frosch and Lector were nowhere in the room it was only me, Yukino and Sherry and they were awake and ready I walked over to my suitcases and pulled out an outfit and got changed into it.

Lucy Outfit at the top.

Once I was ready I walked out of the bathroom and saw that the boys had returned to us ad sitting down on the beds laughing I smiled and walked over to where Natsu and Happy were and sat down on Natsu lap which made him smile as he wrapped his arms around me

"Nice outfit Lucy"Yukino said to me

"Thanks Yukino"I replied back to her

She smiled at me as we all sat there talking till it was time to leave for the games, when we arrived at the games and went to take our places at the stance and watched as the pumpkin dude came out and spoke into the mic.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen's are you all ready to began the next battle"He shouted

The audience cheered

"The next battle is a fighting one and competing in it is Flare from Raven tail and Lucy Dragneel from Team Fire/Fairy tail"The pumpkin guy said 

I turned and faced Natsu who was looking at me with a smile on his face

"Listen go out there and make her and her team regret hurting our friend Wendy and Carla I know you can win this one Lucy"Natsu said to me

Yeah that's right they hurt Wendy and Carla when they were out walking they have a lot to answer for and I will make them pay for what they did, I nodded and walked off to go on the battle field, I walked on the field and stood a few feet away from Flare who was smirking at me I heard cheering I turned my head and saw Erza's team and Gray's team cheering on me I smiled at them then turned and faced Flare I smirked at her as the bell went telling us to began I pulled out two of my keys but I only opened one.

"Open gate of the golden bull Taurus"I screamed as Taurus came out from the key and stood beside me

"How may I help you"Taurus asked me

"See that girl over there take her down"I shouted to him as he nodded and ran towards us

My plan is working perfectly while Taurus was dealing with Flare I ran up behind her and opened the other key I had in my hand

"Open gate of Lion Loke"I shouted quietly as Loke came out and stood beside me

"Sneak attack her"I said to him

I pulled out my whip as Loke nodded then we went at it we ran towards her and hit her with everything we have she screamed out in pain as Taurus, me and Loke were hitting her all together, once she was down we all walked backwards a bit looking at her the crowd cheered at us

"It seems that Flare from Raven Tail is down folks which means Lucy from Team Fire is the winner of this battle"Lahar said as the audience cheered 

I smiled at Loke and Taurus but before I could send them back something was wrapped around my ankles I looked down and saw red hair but it can't be I won this battle Lahar said I did before I knew it I was lifted up into the air Loke and Taurus screamed at me as they tried to help me but I was too high for them to get me I looked down and saw her she was up but she was badly standing I pulled my whip out and used it to hit her full force.

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