Chapter 9:Lucy gets hurt/Uncle Jack leaves after she is hurt.

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AN:Pic at top is where Lucy is at the hospital at the guild, i know it's a scene from the anime but it's useful, also when Lucy opens one of her celestial spirits the words she says i can only remember Aquarius one so i'm sorry if it's wrong and that, i did look it up but couldn't find anything.

Lucy POV:

We had waited at the docks with our guild as Natsu and everyone else was talking to the Sabertooth guild but i wasn't i stood at the edge of the docks staring at what was the island but i wasn't alone Carla and Happy had stayed with me, i felt someone coming up beside us, as i looked to my right i saw Wendy as she stood beside me smiling at me then looked to where i was staring at 

"It's gonna get better isn't it Lucy"Wendy asked 

"Yeah it will we will get through this together we were the ones kidnapped but what i can't get my head around is what took control of us once we reached the island"I said 

"I don't know but Master Mavis said she might know what happened but for now we have to go back to your palace til she finds out more"Wendy explained 

"Yeah your right let's go"I replied 

We all walked back up to where everyone was,when we reached the top everyone in the guild was looking at me and Wendy with worried looks on their faces

"Stop staring at us like that"I screamed making both guild stare at me 

"Yeah stop it it's freaking us out"Wendy shouted after me 

"Whoa girls calm down"Erza said as she walked towards us but we took a step back and ran to the vehicle we came here in and got in telling the driver to drive as he did 

We didn't bother looking out of the window but before we could we saw two cats flying in both side of the windows Happy and Carla who sat down on our laps as we made our way to the guild.

Natsu POV:

"What just happened"Erza asked 

"Do you think it was the control thing they had when we reached the island they were out for a few seconds"Gray asked 

"Guys we should get back to the guild since that's the first place they will go to"I explained 

We looked at Sting and Rogue who were starring at us with a go after them look on their faces as we nodded and ran to the Vehicle and told the driver to drive to the Fairy tail guild as he turned the Vehicle around and drove as fast as he could, as we were halfway there i was passed a letter from Gray with my name on it, i took it and opened it before i read it i looked at Gray and Erza who were looking at me with an we didn't write it look, i looked back at the letter and was shocked and worried at what it said.

"What Natsu what is it tell us"Erza asked me 

"Natsu answer us"Gray said 

"It's Lucy she is in Danger"I replied back to them as they looked at each other then back at me with a worry look on their faces

Lucy POV:

We reached the guild hall as we got off the Vehicle with Happy and Carla following us as we entered the hall, i saw him my uncle Jack sitting at the top of the hall facing us with a smirk on his face but i saw that he had 3 guys with him including him which is four, he walked towards us as we walked forwards to him but stopped as we met halfway

"Hello Niece i see your still alive"My uncle Jack said 

"Hello Uncle and yes i am still alive your plan didn't work"I replied 

He turned and nodded to his guys as they walked forwards to us but me, Wendy, Carla and Happy walked back a few steps so we could fight, my uncle turned and looked at us smirking as he spoke and those words made us act fast 

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