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Fear in her eyes grew every second that passed by.

"Who are you talking about honey..?"

"My mum told me that you will save us all, you will do that right?" I opened my mouth yet nothing would come out,

"My little brother was killed by those mean soldiers of Minoans.. but now that you are here you will take revenge right?!"

Tears started to well up in my eyes as emotions started welling up inside me as soon as I heard she had lost a brother.

I squeezed her hand and I looked in her eyes,
" I'm sorry.. I know how hard losing someone close to you is, but I can see that you're a strong girl, and I will promise you that I will protect you, your family and everyone else!"

Huge smile formed on her face, " Will you ever break your promise?"
I shook my head and showed her my smile as tears rolled down my cheeks, "I will never break my promise."


I held my necklace in my hand and looked out of carriage as we rode back to Palace,

" Please Kenna don't ever get separate from us like that again! Father is going to be furious.. also I will never forgive myself if anything happens to you.."

"I'm sorry Bash, it won't happen again. I take full responsibility."

"The town people were looking very cheerful around you My Lady, what did you tell them?"
Catia asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I thought I made a promise to a little girl, but really I was making promise to everyone. But now I don't know how I'm going to keep it..."

My thoughts got lost in the wind as we continue to ride of.

Francis point of view•

I saw her get off the carriage then she ran inside, the guards told Sebastian and Catia to see father like I told them to.

I ran downstairs, afraid I'm going to miss my chance to talk to her. She walked in front of me not noticing my presence, she took her cloak off as she kept walking toward her chamber.

"I hope you enjoyed your ride to town My Lady." Surprised she turned around quickly.

"Oh hi, uh yes I very much did actually, I think I need to get out of here more often."

"It makes me happy that you have but Father is very angry.. unfortunately."

She smiled confidently, "Yes well your father is always like that. I'm assuming he wants to talk to me? To raise his voice and say I have no choice but to follow his commands."

I chuckled, everything about her makes me truly in a better mood. " I have talked to him and managed to change his mind, you do seem very tired."

"Wow prince Francis! You sacrificed yourself for me! Thank you, you really have saved me."

We both laughed as we started to walk toward her chamber, "I'm usually a knight but whatever you say My lady" she giggled.

She suddenly ran toward one the windows in the hall, and I heard her gasp.

"Francis, would you do me a tiny favour?" She then looked back at me.

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