The Protapis♡

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•Kenna's point of view•

I never say goodbye. I hate goodbyes, I didn't tell him that. Not because my heart ached that he was leaving, or that he promised me he will be there for me, but because I was afraid I will not see him again.
He got on his horse, turned around and looked me in the eye for last time then I felt rain drop on my face. I closed my eyes for one second and when I opened them he was gone.
I watched as king Henry's army aside him and his sons Francis, Condè, Narcisse and Elijah disappeared down the road.

I returned inside, went straight to my chamber followed by Catia and Lysa.
I took my cloak off and laid it on my bed.

 I took my cloak off and laid it on my bed

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"What a week..I can not believe what had been happening, I can not believe we are already in war again..." Catia whispered.

"I am still in shock. I did not sleep well last night, or the night before." Lysa sat down next to me.

I sighed, "Francis told me, if something happened you will take me to her. Who is he talking about?"

Catia and Lysa both looked at each other.

"You two better tell me the truth! I'm done with this mysterious shit and I'm not Sherlock for fuck sakes." I didn't realise I was yelling so loudly.
There was a gentle knock on the door then Lady Olenna walked in. "What is going on here? Why is my lovely Kenna so upset?"

"My lady she is asking.. about her." Catia said in a quiet voice.

"Hmm I see." Olenna sighed. "You two may leave." Catia and Lysa bowed then quickly left.
Olenna sat down next to me and caress my hair, something a caring grandma would do.

"You have already been through a lot, when the time is right I will tell you everything myse..."

"No Olenna! I can not go on not knowing anything. Please." I cut her off.

"You sure are stubborn." She chuckled, then stood up and looked out the window.
"Long before you came to our kingdom, there was another girl. Her name was Mary, she was a seer who could see future." She turned around and faced me. "She was.. she was really smart and kind but it was my grandson's cruelty that made her run away."

I rolled my eyes, "Not surprising. No offense but your grandson is a pain in the ass."

Olenna chuckled again, "Mary knows how things work. That's why Francis and everyone else wants you to go to her when the time comes!"

"But why not now? I don't unde.." Olenna cut me off.
"When the time comes darling, be patient." She caresses my hair again and left the room leaving me alone.

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