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Percy didn't know what to think, this was all to much! To soon after Annebeths death...He couldn't conentrate properly at what was going on.

He felt exausted "Look, if you don't want me here then I'll just go somewhere else" he said tiredly. 

The Sherif shook his head sadly "You can't"

Percy's eyes narrowed "Is that a threat?" 

The Sherif quickly shook his head "No, no, of course not Lad but you literally can't, theres a barrior around this town that Demigods can't cross, even a powerful one like yourself"

Percy asked "But how do you get food? Water?" 

He said grufly "We have a well and we grow our food, the soil is surprisingly nutriscios here, the goddess who cursed this town didn't want us to die...Not yet that is..."

Percy asked "Which goddes cursed you?" 

The girl sneered "Isn't it obvios Hero?"

Percy felt himself snap, everything just came on top of him, he'd gotten out of Tarturus with Annabeth and now she was dead and he was blamed for it so as punishment he'd been exiled to this stupid town that wouldn't allow him to leave? 

The girl treating him like he was nothing more than dirt was the last straw!

Percy's eyes narrowed and he steped closer to her, he towarded over and growled "No, it isn't!" 

Percy felt himself change, from a confused distraught young man to a battle hardened Warrior. And he snapped, his voice laced with authority "Just tell me what is going on!"

The girls eyes widened and she stepped back, Percy felt a twinge of sasifaction when he saw fear in her eyes. 

The Sherriff said qickly "Now, Now, no need to be hasty"

The girl said hurridly though still angrily "The daughter of Zaus, goddess of Justice, cursed this town"

She jumped as Percy suddenly let out a scream of rage. 

Running his fingers through his hair, Percy thought furiously WHY did gods always have to ruin everything? What had he done to suffer this?

How was this justice?!

Why him?

Hadn't he suffered enouth?

Then Percy felt it, bubbling inside him, running like lightning through his veins...resentment. 

He now knew why Luke had turned his back on the gods... 

A couple of years ago he would have never considered it. But Tartnerus had changed him, loosing Annebeth was slowly changing him and he never felt so....tempted....before in his life.

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