Dark Thoughts

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Edward was right, no one listened. No matter how much Percy tried to tell them about the sickness, no one seemed to care.

"That's nice, hope they get better soon"

But no offer of help or advice.

Not even from the Sheriff.

No one cared that it was likely infectious.

Not even Jack or Eric seemed to care.


It was some sort of spell that all the town villages were under?

But why wasn't he also under the spell? If that's what it was.

Because he was a Demi-god perhaps?

But he felt a sense of hopelessness as the people grow sicker and more villages fell to the strange illness.

But there was someone that made Percy second guess himself, Astrea, when he tried to talk to her about the sick villagers she didn't meet his eyes when she told him she didn't know what he was talking about.

Not only did she seem to be a bad lier, he'd noticed that she seemed to be watching him a lot more than normal.

Her eyes would follow him, whenever he went to take care of the sick villagers, even helping Edward take some food for them or no one would feed them.

Strange he had been so intent to stop the thief and now he was one of the thieves! But what else could he do?

Everyone seemed to just think the sick people no longer existed! 

After clearing up some sick for the thousandth time he decided he had enough, it had been almost a month since he found out about this villagers secret, that no healthy person seemed to know. 

Apart from Edward and himself.

But perhaps they weren't the only onces.

He tried to convince himself that she was normal, that she didn't know anything, that he was just imagining her really guilty expressions.

But Percy finally decided enough was enough and that she must know something!

He found her picking fruit from the newly grown apple trees. Everything seemed to grow fast here.


She almost dropped the apple in her hands and glared at him.

"Hey, I'm right here, no need to shout!" She snapped.

Percy ignored her.

He was in no mood to play around.

The frustration and tiredness over what was going on with him ever since he was sent here was bubbling over.

His temper had gotten even worse and thoughts he couldn't stop resentment from building inside him at the gods, blaming them for what happened.

He used to be so rational with it, that it was more important to deal with his current problems than stew in his anger.

But that seemed harder and harder to do.

His thoughts seemed to have become more and more clouded by darkness.

He was going to get her confess that she knew what was going on! Or at least tell him what she was hiding.

That was the plan anyway, to finally get some sort of answers.

But it seemed his life, like usual was not so nice, before he could question Astrea, the ground beneath them shook.

She stiffened, a look of complete shock on her face. Percy was just as shocked, wait was this...?

An ear shattering sound of the earth plates moving underneath their feat made them both wince, and clamping their hands over their ears.

An earthquake?

Then the screams soon followed.

Still Running (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя