Trust Me!

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After they'd done a couple hours of work Jack lead Percy to where they get their food, it was just a little hatch within a barn a couple of feet away from the field. They stood up in line.

"What's the outside like?" Jack asked, after he'd stopped talking about a fly he'd eaten by accident.

"The outside?" Percy said.

"Yeah, like is it like this? Do people have a lot of farms around? Is it really different? My mother told me it probably is" He said exitedly.

"What does you're father think?" He asked.

Jack shrugged "I wouldn't know. I never knew my father"

Percy frowned, sure there were plenty of kids that never knew their fathers but something about Jack's answer didn't sit well with him.

He didn't know why.

The demi-god frowned as they were given just some bread to eat.

Nothing else with it.

"Don't stick up your nose at it. You've been given a bigger piece than most" Jack told him, wagging his finger at him in a joking manner.

Percy said dryly "What? A piece offering so I don't destroy everything?"

Jack shrugged.

He was suprised at how calm the kid seemed about everything.

He did ask but Jack just said "You get used to it man"

Not suprisingly that answer didn't reassure Percy at all.

In fact he was thinking about it later that night while ignoring the ginger haired girls rattling about down stairs after having a argument with her before he went to sleep.

They were all trapped in this village.

She probably deserved this but...

People like Jack didn't.

Kids like Jack didn't.

Just as he was getting tired bells suddenly rang!




Big booming bells, ringing shrilly.

People shouting from outside.

Percy was up before he could think, he was downstairs and outside, not caring he was just wearing shorts.

"Out of the way" The ginger girl snarled, running outside, pushing him out of the way.

But they both stared at what they saw.

Something lit up the area, roaring loudly in their ears, where Percy had worked was alight. Alight with flames. Their were people screaming...

The ginger girl gasped in horror and shock.

"Your in the middle of a desert, don't you have something for this" Percy snapped.

"We were blessed with everything we needed to survive, the only thing that goes wrong in this town's farming is because of a demi-god, never by itself" She retorted.

"You are telling me no one here has ever dealt with a fire before?!" Percy shouted in disbelief.

"Yes I am telling you that!" She cried back.

Okay, okay Percy thought, how do I deal with fire?

Then he felt like hitting himself.

How stupid could he be? How could he have just forgotten his powers?

"Is there some water anywhere? Like a well?"

"Yes, that's where we get our drinking water, why?" She asked.

"Show me where it is!" Percy demanded.

Her eyes narrowed at his tone.

"My father is the god of the sea. If anyone can put out a fire, its me!" Percy hissed.

"When a demi-god like you comes along you always make things worse" She retorted.

There was a scream, a pained scream within the night. Then they heard a women cry "There are still workers in that field!"

Percy didn't question why people would still be working at this time but they both tensed up as they heard that. His mind went to Jack...

"How worse could it get, some people could be dying right now!" Percy growled. She didn't reply, looking pale in the light of the fire close by and the moonlight.

"Just trust me on this one. Please!" Percy pleaded.

Trust me.

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