A Hero's Villion

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Percy said desporatly "Look, what is going on?"

The Sherriff looked at him sadly but the girl with the Sherriff just glared angrily at him.

Percy cringed slightly, what had he done now?

The Sherriff said "You see, you are not the only hero to end up here"

The look of pure confusion and suspion on Percy's face got the Sherrif to contiunue "Oh no, know need to worry, we won't hurt you"

The girl his age suddenly snapped "But you'll be the one to hurt us!"

Percy stared at her, complete confusion written over his face.

The girl growled "This is what happens when one of your kind comes here, you either save us or destroy us, around 2 years ago a demigod came and she helped us defeat these thiefes that would come and always rob this town of our food and supplies, she helped us stop him"

Percy gulped "Thats good right?"

The Sherriff admitted "Yes but you see lad-"

The girl interuped harshly "It goes in order, always in order. A demigod that is a villion, that needs redemption comes here and they always get justice and save us. Sometimes with their life. But after them a hero demigod comes and no matter how much they try they always manage to destroy and harm this town. The girl that came here used to side with Krono's, in your eyes a villion. She saved us...Your a hero, I can see it in your eyes, its you who will destroy us!"

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