The Town of Astraea

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Percy's eyes widened as he looked at a black haired women with dark brown kind eyes that shone with warmth.

Percy suddenly realised that there was a crowd of people around him...

He was lying in sand.

The Women was in front.

Percy noticed that he was in a street...but not just any street, it looked like he was in some sort of dirty town.

Everything looked hand made, the house's were just shacks and the people were wearing rags.

Percy could see how tired everyone looked, their were children hiding behind their parents, peaking up at him.

Percy muttered "Where...where am I?"

The Woman said "The Town of Astraea"

The name seemed familiar to Percy but he couldn't remember why...

Percy sat up groaning, he realised that riptide had morphed back into a pen, he quickly stuffed it back into his pocket.

"What is all this racket about!" An wiry yet authoritative voice boomed from behind the crowd.

The towns people made way as an old man walked through, he looked wary but at the same time strong, even in his old age.

Percy could tell that this man was well respected.

"Darla?" The man asked the kind women that had reminded Percy of his mother.

Darla said "We found him here, look at his clothes, his stature But...You don't think his one of them do you?"

One of them?

One of who?

Percy looked down on himself then he stopped himself gasping in shock at what he was now wearing.

His orange t-shirt gone.

Greek shining armour replaced it but it looked heavy but was surprisingly light.

And it all fitted very well.

The Man said "He could boy, what's your name? Where did you come from?"

Percy thought....well they don't seem like monsters...

Percy stammered "P-Percy Jackson...sir..."

The old man smiled slightly as Percy called him sir.

Darla gave a little laugh "I like this boy, sheriff"

Sheriff? Right...

So maybe he was in some sort of town in Texas?

Their accents sounded like he was in Texas.

The Sheriff looked him over then muttered "I think he is one of them..."

Darla frowned at that.

The Sheriff shouted at the crowd "Alright! There is nothing to see here! All of you move!"

The Crowd grumbled and pushed but eventually moved away. Leaving The Sheriff, Darla and a young women with ginger hair, around Percy's age...

She was looking at him with dislike that made Percy squirm.

Once everyone left the ginger hair girl asked him coldly "So who is it? Which god's your parent? What trouble are you going to get this town into now?"

Darla sighed "Excuse her, Percy, she's just bitter"

Percy spluttered "Wait, you know about the god's?"

Darla and The Sheriff looked resigned, like there worst fears had come true.

Darla sighed "So you are a Demigod"

Percy mumbled "Yes" as he stood up.

The girl asked him warily "Who's your parent?"

Everything seemed to freeze, a sudden tension gripped the air. Percy could feel the fear inside them...

Percy said uncomfortably "Poseidon"

The girl let out a gasp of shock and she looked horrified.

Darla and the Sheriff looked like their worst fears had come true.

The girl whispered "A son of the big three? This is not good...not good at all"

After everything that had happened to Percy he was surprised that he hadn't gone crazy yet as he groaned "Please can you all just tell me! What is going on!"

The girl flinched as Percy's voice went louder but Percy ignored this, he needed answer's!

The Sheriff sighed "I think you need to come with us boy"

(Remember to comment or vote? Please? I so far have no comments so I have no idea what you think of this story, same goes for my other story's that connect to this one...

I'd like to say I'm a person who just writes for fun and doesn't mind if no one comments or votes for my story but being honest I'm not that type of person even though I wish I was so a vote or comment now and again? I'd be ever so grateful....)

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