My Name

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The Ginger girl stares at him for a few moments then she says "Okay"

"Okay?" Percy asked, he thought she'd put up more of a fight.

"People could be dying. We have no choice" She said simply and she turns around and walks away quickly, calling after Percy when he doesn't move, stunned that she had changed her tune in such a fast manner.

Didn't she hate him?

"Percy, you coming or what?" She calls out, already sounding irritated.

"Yes, yes I'm coming" Percy replies, running after her.

They ran out on to the street and Percy cringed a little he heard more screams come from the field.

I'm coming, I'm coming! He thought as they ran past more buildings until they arrived at a large brick built well, next to a run down looking shop, it seemed a strange place to have a well, not that Percy cared about that right now.

He reached out with his hands, closing his eyes, and he felt the familar tugging in his gut.

He heard the ginger girl let out a gasp and he opened his eyes to see water rising up from the well, into the air, forming a circle.

Water kept on getting absorbed into the circle until Percy was sure it was large enough to put out the fire. The water was larger than a house by the time he was done.

The girl just seemed incredibly surprised by his power and then her expression seemed to close of and Percy could no longer read it but he soon paid that no attention. 

He could already smell the burning fire from here, thankfully only the smell of burnt grass swirled in the air, so far...

Percy directed the water towards the fire, running back as it flowed in the air in a rush towards the smoke, the ginger girl following behind him, looking a little awed.

He knew that a medium or small amount of water would not help at all, so he had made sure to take plenty of water from the well. The water he didn't use, he would put back into the well.

Percy skidded to a halt as he reached the burning field, flames were so high he could barely make anything out.

"I'll go in and see if I can find anyone still trapped" He told her as he directed the water to stream into the fire, a bellow of smoke erupted into the air, making it difficult to see.

"Call me if you need any help!" The ginger haired girl shouted after him as he started to make his way into the blazing field, coughing as smoke started to fill his lungs.

For a second Percy wondered how the hell he was going to call for her since he didn't even know her name, huh, they had didn't the majority of their time disliking each other he had never thought to ask what her name was.

She seemed to be thinking the same thing as she yelled after him.

"My names Astrea!"

Hello! A while ago this was chosen to be a story I focused on.Finally have figured out the story and done summaries for each chapter in drafts. This story compared to my other Percy Jackson stories will be shorter with shorter chapters in general. The main reason for this is Percy's story arc is very simple and straight forward. I also don't want to reveal Percy's perspective later on in the series (where I will explore other perspectives in other stories related to this one) so that's why it also won't be as long.

Still Running (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora