He hummed in pleasure and kissed me under my jaw before laying still again.

Then, I felt my stomach grumble so I patted his head and tried to sit up. "As fun as this is, I'm hungry."

Ryder groaned but let me go so that I could get up.

"Come on," I said and pulled at his hand.

He got up and walked out of my room.

Not feeling like walking, I jumped on his back and he staggered a bit but regained his balance.

"What are you? Four?" he asked me but carried me down the stairs.

"Piggy back rides are an acceptable way of transportation for any age," I said.

"Yeah, okay."

We, well..he walked into the kitchen and set me down on the kitchen island.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked me and turned around to face me.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 12pm."

"Then pizza!"

Ryder pulled a face when I said what I wanted to eat. "You literally just woke up and you already want pizza?"

"What's wrong with pizza? It's always a good time for pizza," I said.

Ryder rolled his eyes and I grabbed the house phone to order some pizza.


Ryder yawned and I placed my hand over his mouth.

"Use your manners and cover your mouth when you yawn," I said and directed my attention back to the magazine laying above Ryder's head.

He was laying on the couch on his back and I was laying on top of him. I had put a magazine on the armrest above Ryder's head to have something to occupy me while I was waiting for the food to get here.

Ryder was almost falling asleep. I'm pretty sure he would already be asleep if it weren't for my constant comments about something in the magazine. Whether it be about a celebrity's horrible fashion choice or some drama that seemed awfully fake.

"Why are you so tired?" I asked him and flipped the page.

He yawned again before answering, keeping his eyes closed. "I didn't get much sleep last night."


"Because my parents were fighting rather loudly and I couldn't fall asleep. Then at like 2 in the morning my ears couldn't take any more of the noise so I went out for drive."

"When did you get back home?"

"Between 4 or 5 am I think."

I looked away from the magazine and at his face. "And when did you get up today?"

"Like around 6 or 7."

I rolled my eyes. "You know it's not healthy to sleep that little."

"Then let's just sleep now," he suggested and yawned once more.

"Heck no. I've already missed one pizza because of you and it's not happening again."

Ryder opened his eyes and gave me a questioning look. "What?"

"Remember when you came over to my house on the day that it was storming and you stayed over?"

Ryder nodded and I continued.

"Before you came, I ordered a pizza and then completely forgot about it because I was so tied up with you. So technically it's your fault that I didn't get any pizza."

Pranking The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now