BC 1.2 - The Brother I Betrayed

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And when everyone thought she was heartless, she, Kabir and I had risen toast at his condition.

"Great, and sex, huh?" I smirked at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes and stepped back.

"I thought that's what honeymoon was for. Away from work." She sarcastically smiled at Kabir. "Just two of us."

"I stayed away from work for you." He pointed out.

"Uh. Uh. Is this your first husband and wife fight?"

"We already had that," Alina replied. "Because someone thinks work is so important than their wife."

"That's bad, Kabir," I replied, and for the first time in a year, he rolled his eyes at me. Yes, he did, before he would only ignore my talks. Even in the courts, he wouldn't pay much attention to me, only talk about the case to get me out of the murder of my own uncle.

But it didn't get out.

The police officer claimed he killed him. He got the promotion, and I was more than relieved to get the burden of a murder from my head.

But it doesn't change the fact that I killed someone.

Someone who killed your Nisha.

Someone who could've raped her.

I shook my head from these thoughts and paid attention to my friends.

"Just ten minutes. The whole trip I didn't open my laptop and attended any work-related work," He explained to us, and then skidded his gaze to her, "I already made up for it," He caught Alina's waist. "Didn't I? And lots of sex."

She smiled secretly. "Yeah, you did made up in your naughty way."

Nisha groaned. "What happened to her decent tongue?"

"He spoke crude and dirty things to her in the whole honeymoon. Trust me, that's why she's like that," I said nonchalantly.

Three of them stared at me with a gaped mouth. What wrong had I said? Alina had been used to some words in past two weeks and they couldn't leave her mouth. One of my girlfriends had spoken to me next day, and it annoyed the hell out of me. I wasn't interested. Bed things remained in bed.

But if Nisha wanted, I wouldn't argue.

Nisha gaze turned to them, but instead of replying, Alina clapped her hands. "Let's go. I'm tired after the long flight."

I caught her bag, but she stopped me. "I'll do it."

"It's okay, Alina. I can. You're tired after a long flight." I smirked and she flushed further. Luckily, Kabir and Nisha were ahead of us, or Kabir would've fought with me for asking such question from his bookworm.

"You're one dirty man. You and Nisha are perfect." She chuckled. "What did you do while we were gone?"

"Oh, you know, nothing," I answered, opening the support and letting it drag after us. "It's true, isn't it then? Both of it?"

She rolled her eyes, stuffed her hand inside her long coat and nodded. Some kinky couple was they.

I helped Kabir with placing the bags at the back, while the girls chatted in the front.

"You need not come," He said.

"I couldn't send Nisha alone at this hour, and she was adamant to take you rather than send the driver. And you know what, Kabir?"

"What?" He said in a bored tone.

"Fuck you." His eyes widened a bit. "I love Nisha, and if you can't accept it, then that's your problem, not mine. You ignore me as if I've done a crime. I get you think me as a murderer and don't deserve your sister, but she loves me. So you better accept the fact. I get you hate me for putting Nisha into that trouble. I too hate that. I too live with that fact I couldn't protect her. Imagine yourself in my position, every minute thinking you can't protect Alina, how much it hurts you and you think you don't deserve her."

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