12. The Anger I Have

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[  N  I  S  H  A  '  S     P  O  V  ]

"Do I need to look for you every time?" That were the first words I heard when I opened my suite's door.

Rahul was sitting on the sofa in all his glory. I growled seeing him and banged the door loudly.

"How did you get in?"

"Oh, I climbed the pipe out of your room, pulled myself with the help of the window and saw the wonderful artwork in your room." I pinned him with a dry look, but he dashed it away and chewed his popcorns from the bowl. "Your collection of undergarments is mesmerizing. But I don't think you need padded--" Before he could complete his sentence, I took hold of the sofa pillow and threw it at him, and before it could hit him, he nudged it with the help of his hand and tsked. "You have got a very bad habit of running away and throwing pillows."

Without answering him, I called for fluffy and he came running out of the room straight to my arms. "You missed me?" I carried him to my face, smiling against his fur.

The smile from meeting Harshit hadn't dwindled away and I had no desire of it to leave me alone. My hands were still aware when he intertwined our fingers together, and gazed at me with the same look I was accustomed to.

But the doubt remained at the back of my mind, troubling me if what I had done was right or was I pushing myself again to the pit of hell. My heart was fragile, not ready to take the steps and I had no idea why I couldn't express my insecurities to him. I didn't want to hurt him. He was elated hearing I was ready to give us a chance again, away from all the messed up past.

All I needed was to tie all the insecurities in a bundle, and for once after months, let myself dive into this moment.

"I didn't miss you."

"I wasn't asking you." I dropped fluffy back to the floor. Walking to the sofas, I sat opposite to him. "How did you get it?"

"By your grace." He flicked his hair. "Remember, how out of jealousy--"

"I wasn't jealous."

"--you told the receptionist we're married. I just made a story, and they opened the door for me. She thinks we are here for our honeymoon." Smirking, he continued, "Shouldn't we do it to make it real? Girls think I'm irresistible, charming and alluring because of the ability I've of listening to their gossips."


"Like I hadn't heard it before. Tell me new words, princess. What happened to your so cold amazing but rather rubbish vocabulary?" The popcorn fell from his hands, and instead of picking them up, he let it litter on the floor. "Your turn."

"I was with Harshit because of you."

Grinning, he placed the bowl on the table and wriggled his fingers together like a witch. "Spill the dirt."

"You're stupid if you think you can stay here. Get out of here." He gave me a dubious look. "I'm serious. Get out of here. Our deal is off. I can't stand to look at you."

Standing up, he kicked the popcorns laying on the floor, making the crunching noise and chuckled. "You're behaving like I broke your trust. We hate each other. If you, for a second, thought I harbor some stupid humanity for you. That's your mistake, not mine."

And just like that, he walked out of the door, but then again entered and said, "Rupika called. Bonfire party tonight. Get ready by 9. It's time I finally start the purpose of my trip."

"And what's that?"

"Enjoying my life like it's my last day on earth."

"You mean fuck me like it's my last day on earth."

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