20. The Confessions We Make

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(I'm in love with this song!)

[   N I S H A ' S      P O V   ]

Someone coughed from behind, breaking my grip from his torso and stepping back. Swiping my gaze around the room, I saw Dhruv and Sanchi were passing out curious and shocked looks. I bit my lower lip, and when I peered at Rahul, he was rubbing the back of his neck with the help of his hand and smiling sheepishly.

"Care to explain?" Dhruv waved his hands between us. "Did something change we're not aware of?"

"Or did you both had drunk sex?" Sanchi butted in.

Dhruv sighed, clutching his forehead. "Sanchi."

"What?" She crossed her arms against her chest. "That's how our story begin, no doubt we didn't have drunk sex but it was angry--"

"Ahh!" I screamed between their conversation, enclosing my ears with my hands. "Too much information." Dhruv blushed red while Sanchi smirked in return and shrugged her shoulders in reply. I gazed behind, making sure the wooden door was closed and the truth of this room didn't travel to the restricted area and nodded my head to my room.

We trudged to my room, and I and Rahul took a seat on bed while they both sat down on bean bags.

"Now?" Dhruv waved his hands in the air. "Shall the story begin?"

"We didn't have drunk sex but that sounds amazingly great. Thanks Sanchi for the idea." I slapped the back of Rahul's head and glared at him, shutting him up.

I strung the incidents together and told them the truth while I hid the fact of meeting Harshit because I knew it wasn't a pleasant thing. It was a bad past, and his presence in my life was a menace and I was stupid enough to believe something would change. How stupid one could get in desperation of love I had seen it.

I was stupid, vain, naive and just plain stupid.

When the story ended, they both nodded with no expression on their face.

"You can't tell Kabir." These were Dhruv's first word. "Until you're sure it's really there what you think it is."

I nodded back. We had talked about it before only that we would tell Kabir only when we were sure about it, and when I was sure I loved him.

They both got up from their seats, checked their watches and smiled at us.

"We should get going. Ria must be waiting for us," Sanchi said, came forward and hugged me. "Beware of him. He's not what he appears."

Everything inside me wrecked hearing the sentence, and before I could ask her the meaning, she and Dhruv left the room and I was still on my position, analysing her words.

He's not what he appears.

What did she mean by that? Was Rahul too a masker of his real motives? Was I falling into another trap of my own making?

But I shrugged those thoughts because I wanted to be happy and this was the moment for me even if coming to Delhi wasn't a treat I was looking for. How much had I hurt her that she couldn't even bear to look at me? Did I make enough damage or their was a side I couldn't see and imagine? What was happening?

"Nisha," Rahul whispered from the side. "I should get going too. Dad must be waiting for me."

He got up to leave, but I caught his hands and stood up.

"Do you think I'm mean and selfish?"

He appeared perplexed by my question, but his eyebrow was twitching and he refused to meet my eye. I called his name and he sighed deeply, enclosed my hands within his. "Yes." Everything in my heart crumbled. "Sometimes you get mean and selfish, but it doesn't mean you're bad. We all get mean and selfish once in our life." He touched my brows with his. "I don't know how to explain it, but you're good. Just give her space."

Destroying Myself (Myself #3)Where stories live. Discover now