13. The Death I Invited

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[  R  A  H  U  L  '  S     P  O  V  ]

Should I even allow it to unfold or not? Kabir wouldn't like the steps I was taking. He would skin me alive, roast me on top of his griller and feed me to the dogs without any mercy, not even caring I was his best friend.

And at some point, it would be justified. What I was doing could destroy changed when life, or it could make her life better. The point wasn't known to me, but it had to happen. She deserves each ounce of the love she could gather from the people around her, store it in her chest and carry it like an armor.

Even if it meant I had to talk with the biggest coward ever walked on this planet. Harshit's presence annoyed me, made me wonder how could I befriend with him in the first place? You know what they say about school friendship didn't last forever. It would've lasted if he hadn't played those cards of his.

Clutching my hair tightly, I leaned against the door of the car, staring at the heated conversation between Rupika and Nisha. I should intervene, but seeing two girls fight was kind of hot. It was like fantasy came true. So, like a jerk, I wore a grin and stared at both of them.

I should be worried about Rupika. She was petite, and had little anger but not enough to match the fire of Nisha.

"Thanks for helping me."

I rolled my eyes, spared him a glance and went back to the scene playing in front of me.

"I didn't do it for you, Harshit. I've more important things in my life to care about."

"But still thanks. If you wouldn't have helped me, I would've lost the love--"

"Blah, blah, and blah. I don't care." Cutting my gaze from them, I stared at Harshit. "I could help you only this much. With Kabir, that's your duty."

Fear overtook his face, and his hands shook lightly but to act strongly in front of me, he pretended to slouch his shoulders and did a small cool nod.

"How's he?"

"Fine," I replied.

"I heard he's the owner of Oberoi Hotels."

"I never knew Kabir had a brother." I fake gasped, but like some stupid pupil, he stared at me in confusion.

His cover melted soon. "He would kill me, Rahul. Kabir loath me from every fiber of his being. Me and Nisha?"

"You love her. Fight for her. How do you think famous love stories are made? Make an epic love story of yours. Princess and a coward." I exaggerated to see more of his blue scrunched up face, covered with the horrors of what Kabir might do to him. But he wrong at one point. For his sister, Kabir would break his ego and arrogance too just to see her happy.

And I think it cost them too much.

"She's changed," He mused. "She's cold and distant." We both stared at her, as she sat in front of the bonfire, alone. Her hands were curled on her lap, hair rested at one side, eyes shimmered due to the fire, skin brightened with the reflection of light. My lips parted a bit.

"What do you expect?" I snarled. "She lost her parents in a plane crash, her sister died in an accident and her brother called her a burden." As the words flew out, the realization seeped into my system. The similar pain bloomed into my heart and I had no idea how to turn if off and leave me alone.

"She's lonely." No doubt she wasn't all innocent. She had hurt Alina. Kabir had yelled at her after the comment she made, but she didn't deserve what life gifted her. "She didn't deserve what happened to her. You better treat her right."

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