Chapter 7

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He heard it. It was near. He could hear the claws scratching over the floor but he couldn't see anything. It was dark like always. He started to run – like always. But a part of him knew that he wouldn't make it and this made everything worse. He ran as fast as his feet would allow him to. The darkness didn't change but if it did it only became even darker. He wasn't fast enough. The steps got louder and came nearer. He could hear the breath coming from centimeters away and tried everything in his powers to become faster.

He stumbled into the dark. He couldn't hold himself onto his feet and fell to the ground. It was a hard fall and every bone, every cell in his body hurt. He breathed heavily but tried to stay as quiet and still as possible but he knew he already lost. He turned his head to maybe see anything but darkness and then they appeared. Two glowing eyes. They hadn't any color, they were black like their surroundings but they shimmered with darkness and they were staring right at him.

He tried to get up again, to start running again but he felt like he was taped on the ground. He couldn't move no matter how hard he tried. It was like a spell holding him down.

Then suddenly he could see something else. His friends! They were standing far away but he knew it was them. They waved, they ran towards him, they tried to save him but behind them appeared a wall full of darkness. It chased them but they didn't notice. He shouted, he screamed, he tried to warn them but there was no use. They didn't hear him.

The darkness caught up to them and surrounded every one. It creeped around their bodies and shortly after that nothing was left. Everything was dark again.

"No!" he sobbed but that's when the eyes appeared again. He could feel a sharp pain running through his body. He wanted to scream but he kept silent. The pain made its way to every last cell of his body. The last thing he could hear was Kai's voice. He shouted his name but he couldn't respond. If it was dark before now it got even darker and he felt nothing.

Lloyd woke up with a scream. He sat upright in his bed and breathed hard. He was sweating and his head turned around to find any danger but the only thing he could see was the room he was in. He laid his hand on his chest where his heart was and tried to calm down.

"It was a dream. It was only a dream." He said to himself. He took some deep breaths. Slowly he realized where he was. Leoph needed their help. They flew to their castle and there he was. In a room in the middle of the night, trying to process, what had happened.

"I thought they were over" He whispered. He hadn't had any nightmares in over a month and now he was here and they started all over again.

He didn't feel well, he needed to calm down again, so he decided to walk around a little. As he looked outside his window he could see that it was still night. Probably 1 am. He was just wearing his joggers and a green t-shirt but he didn't care. It was night and nobody was around.

As he had those nightmares at the beginning, shortly after their victory over the shadow dragons Kai was always with him. He had said he heard him scream in the night and stayed with him until he was asleep again. Now he was alone. Maybe some fresh air would do well. He decided to go to the balcony. The little protecting lights might calm him down too. 

He opened the door to the corridor and stepped outside. Everything was dark and quiet. He didn't want to wake anyone up so he made his way quietly past his friend's doors towards the entrance and the doors to the balcony. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for the next few hours.

He slowly stepped outside. Now that it was completely dark the lights were even more beautiful. He couldn't imagine how they should protect the castle other than just letting it disappear during the night but now the only important thing was to distract him. He went to the very end of the balcony and leaned against the railing. He had a wide view from up here. He could see the normal entrance of the castle, all the houses that were also built in the stone of the mountain and the wall that surrounded the whole building. It really was big.

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