Chapter 3

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A very annoying and loud sound destroyed Jay beautiful dream. He didn't even remember what it was about. The only thing he knew was that he didn't want to open his eyes, he wanted to fall back asleep and rest. It's been a long day yesterday. Nya, Sensei Wu and in the end him, too were searching through the whole library for anything important. Something about floating lights and prophecies. Please, they've had that a thousand times before. Nothing that special anymore. But they looked through every shelf and every row of books and their library wasn't small. And even though...

"Oh shut up you bloody alarm!" Jay groaned and tried to stop it from ringing again. This didn't work so he shot a small amount of lightning against it. It exploded. He groaned again. This was the fifth broken alarm this month and it wasn't even past the second week. He really couldn't control his powers when he was tired. Where did he stop thinking? Oh yeah, the prophecies and scrolls. If he should guess he'd say Sensei Wu has five bags of things with him that they've found the day before and just half of a bag with personal things. The other half of this bag might be filled with more scrolls and books.

Wait a minute. It hit him like he just ran against a wall. Leoph, Clarice and Lara needed help! They sent the letter and the ninja wanted to fly off in the very morning. Now hurry up! Sometimes he's very happy to be the ninja of lightning. Lightning is fast. What time was it again? Oh yeah, he broke his alarm.

Outside of his door he heard some voices and things being moved around. What the hell did the sensei find? A whole shelf with books? Please not! Now he really needed to be fast before someone came to his room.

Five minutes later he strolled downstairs with his bag swung over his shoulder. The broken alarm and it's pieces were in his hands.

"Morning guys!" he greeted.


"Good morning, Jay" he heard some of them response.

"Good morning, love!" he walked past Nya and dropped a short kiss on her lips.

"Morning, Jay" He put his bag next to one of the chairs in their kitchen and went to a room in the back to lay the alarm on a table. Maybe he could fix it when they're back.

"Is that another broken alarm, Jay?" Zane asked walking towards him.

"Yeah, obviously. I think I don't have luck with these."

"Oh come on, Jay. Those aren't cheap anymore if you need two per week!" Cole shouted from the kitchen.

"That's not true! I just need..."

"Three per week" Nya giggled. Jay looked around the corner into the kitchen to glare at her. They couldn't hold their gaze for long and soon they started giggling. They loved each other too much to be mad.

"Are we ready yet?" Sensei Wu asked while looking over some scrolls.

"Almost! Give us five minutes then we can start" Kai suggested while running past them with his arms full of what looked like clothes.

"What did you find yesterday?" Lloyd asked as he noticed the sensei.

"Oh I've found some very interesting written things. Some different prophecies but I'm not sure if they can help us. Then here we have some maps, drawings and magical appearances."


"Much!" Jay interrupted. "Do we need to read through all these?"

"Yes Jay, you need to do that if you don't hurry up and be a little bit more useful for us and not just for the persons who are selling alarms."

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