He grinned and flicked my forehead. "Game of Thrones is getting to you."

Rolling my eyes, I removed his hands from my forehead. "Place?"

He knocked his hip to the side, confused to whether tell me or not, but at last, he answered my question, "Candolim Beach."

Digging my fingers into my forehead, I nodded absently. A headache had again knocked at my forehead, not caring I had some other plans for the day.

When I heard the closing of the door, I sighed, relieved to have him out of the door. With him, the room felt far too small, making it harder for me to think anything other than clawing my nails at him. His words haunted me at every step even though they were mere true words.

Clearing my head of any absurd thoughts, I dig my phone out of the purse and messaged Harshit. I think we found a perfect time to open the chapters of past that I had thought were burnt.

As soon I had sent the message to him, I received the message from the bank. Opening it, my grip on the edge of the phone tightened. My debit card had money, and my credit card dues were paid. There was only one person in the whole world who had access to them, who took care of them.


How did he know about it? Rahul? Maybe he did rat me to him after I confessed I was left with no money. But I didn't want Kabir to know about it. I wanted to show him I could without him and there was life beyond the things he did for me.

Anger spread through every vein of mine until all other emotions were clutched under the claws of need to vent out at someone. Precisely at Rahul. I didn't tell him so that he could expose the information to Kabir. I didn't want Kabir to help me anymore when he had the audacity to say me to never contact him again.

My nails dug deeper into my skin. Anger lashed as I gripped my hair in a tight knot between my hands. Heavy breaths heaved up and down. I was getting too much angry that it was teasing me, controlling me, waiting for me to burst and destroy everything that came in my power.

Too much angry.

I didn't get angry. That wasn't one of the traits I bore.

I stared at the glass table top, gazing at the furious look on mine, and for the first time, I felt scared.

What was happening to me nowadays? Where was my control?

Shutting my eyes, I ran to the room, dashed to the bathroom and stripped myself naked. I changed the settings to cold, let the heavy droplets of water wash over me and carry the anger to the drain within it. Gasping, I supported my back to the glass mirror, thriving to forget every bit of anger I had allowed within me but it was of no use.

*   *   *

Lashes of red and yellow could be seen from behind, dancing in the air. The night was as dark as I pretend it to be. The cold air of beach cut through me, leaving me in shivers.

Rahul got out of the car from behind me, but without saying anything to me, he heeled forward to hug Rupika. I still couldn't get what was between both of them. The bond between them could be seen and felt from distance. And I think she was the only girl with whom Rahul talked normally.

"Nisha," Her voice was tight and troubled. I didn't expect any less from her. I ran away without telling anyone, caused her trouble and yelled at her for troubling me when all she was trying to help me.

She turned her head to him, saying something and he replied her back with a smile. While they exchanged their words, a sound from behind startled me.

Destroying Myself (Myself #3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя