Her face changed into the same worry as everyone. I hated the expression to the core of my existence. It made me remember that something bad happened with me and something bad was happening all over again. But what bad could happen anymore? I didn't get attached anymore.

And for the first time, my heart yearned for Rahul, the only person who never showed me pity. The only person who knew how to behave normally with me without sympathising about whatever happened that night between us.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I breathed to calm the anger down and mumbled a sorry.

She nodded her head, instructed me to get ready in half an hour and walked out of the room in hurry. Screaming in frustration, I cursed at her. I shouldn't have come here. There were thousands of places in the world I could find comfort in. But she wasn't one of them.

Giving the last stare at the brownish wooden door, I marched to the bathroom, showered and cleared the smell of the stinking alcohol from my breath. After the clothes, I left the bathroom to be met by a dark figure, standing at the corner of the bed, playing with my colors.

A sudden scream erupted, and the intruder swirled his face to met mine.

"Rahul?" My hands went to my phone, placed beside the bed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question, but however, we both know where it'll end." Annoyed etched on his face, hands were wrapped in a fist and lips were turned into a snarky smile.

It didn't take me long to understand his presence in front of me. It wasn't something new. Whenever I would get angry at Kabir, he would send his friends after me, and it was always one of them. Rahul. I had no idea why he sent him, owing to the fact that I didn't like his presence around me.

Without giving him a look, I hurled out of the room, ignoring his calling at my back. I was moving away from Goa. All I had to ask Kabir was give me some time to sort out my feelings, to clear my head and have a vacation but he couldn't give me one. Who did he think of himself?

Rupika was in the kitchen, sipping her tea peacefully. As if hearing me coming in, her eyes struck up and met mine in surprise.


Before she could complete her sentence, I took the cup from her hand and threw it on the floor, not caring where it landed.

My nose flared in anger as emotions twisted and turned, making it harder for me to think anything logically. I was done with all of them. What did they think of themselves? Why couldn't they see I was grown up and could handle myself? Why not give me enough freedom?

"I just told you one tiny little thing to do for me." I pinched my thumb and forefinger. "I thought you were better than this."

Her calm eyes weren't calming me down. Why did she rat me out to Kabir? I didn't want anyone to know that I was in Goa, hiding away from the problems. I didn't want to face anyone at this point, but nobody understood it. How much hard was it to decipher?

"What are you saying?" She pushed my shoulders back, creating a way for herself.

"Why did you tell Kabir about me?"

"She didn't tell anyone, Miss Bratty," His voice thundered in my ear, creating a havoc inside. "Unlike you, she isn't a traitor."

Swirling, I saw him standing next to the counter table and gazing down at the broken white pieces of the cup. "I'm not a traitor," I mumbled.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow in question. "Before leaving, you told Alina to leave Kabir."

Rupika gasped from the side, but I didn't hear anything else. Redness coated my entire face as the truth tumbled down his tongue. Before leaving, I had met Alina at her house, talked with her, cried in front of her and begged her to leave Kabir. Because as long, she was there, Kabir would never pay his attention to me. All I would be a burden to him.

Destroying Myself (Myself #3)Where stories live. Discover now